AUSSIE NATIONALISM the long tale of AUSTRALIAN Nationalism as it moved through what can be termed “Empire Loyalism” within the ‘Frame of White Australia to become more distinct and sharply Austraian. it is that arguable that ANZAC DAY is far more central than AUSTRALIA DAY. See these items from my pen arising from the Adelaide Uni Dept of Anthropoogy, inspired and directed by Professor BRUCE KAPFERER, devoting special attention to its study. My colleagues in Anthropology inspired by our Professor BRUCE KAPFERER devoted special interest in this topic and i became part of the circle writing on the subject. One can argue that ANZAC DAY is more important than 26 Jan in the Ausssie nationalist calendare…/the-anzac-story-rushing-into…/…/anzac-day-25th-april-dying-for…/…/the-ode-and-the-last-post…/…/australian-nationalism-and-the…/ AS ancillary “coda,” of course, one can suggest that the indigenous Australians and new migrant Australians do not embrace or pay attention to this kind of theme and its ‘songs’. ...

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