Inspirational Messages from the Olympics 2021 in Tokyo Nicola – UR Silver  Is Gold To US  Too! Do you recall the wonderful Sunday School song, ‘Silver and Gold I have none, but what I have I give Thee, but in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk’. Acts 3:1-10. Well, Nicola has certainly done even more inside the gates of this years 20-21 Olympics, running and leaping on the high jump and giving all her praise to her Lord Jesus before the world. Isn’t it wonderful when God’s people step out in faith, but also continue to faithfully keep their own lives clear within, live in honour to God, even when the evil values of this world encroach. In the letter of 2 Timothy 2:18-23, it shows us the importance of cleansing our own hearts daily so that we are prepared for every good work, to ...

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