SRI LANKA NEWS (NOVEMBER 2022) Compiled by Victor Melder Political parties, trade unions, mass organizations and student unions held a protest march today against the actions of the government today (November 02) in Colombo.A group of politicians, including Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa, also participated in the protest march organized under the theme “Let’s stand up against repression and economic pressure”. The protest march started from Maradana near the Elphinstone Theater and proceeded towards the Fort Railway Station. When the protestors arrived in the Colombo Fort area, the march was interrupted by a barricade of police officers near the floating market in Pettah and a heated situation arose between the protesters and the police. The protestors got angry at the politicians including Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa for failing to join them to break through the Police human chain and not proceeding with the protest. Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa and Sri Lanka ...

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Is Cholesterol a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases?- By Dr Harold Gunatillake Website: Transcript: High blood cholesterol levels are a risk factor for heart disease. However, dietary cholesterol has little to no effect on blood cholesterol levels in most people. More importantly, there is no significant link between the cholesterol you eat and your risk of heart disease. Same findings do not apply for foods high in saturated fat. Unsaturated fatty acids like Olive oil, peanut canola oils are the ‘goody oils’ while saturated fats like butter and coconut oil are considered bad for you because they generate high blood cholesterol that forms part of the coronary plaque. ...

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