Going The Distance: This Young Sri Lankan Will Run The Antarctic Ice Marathon In December – By Radhia Rameez We meet Hassan Esufally on a grey and windy afternoon. There is a steady drizzle of rain, and puddles are filling the streets.  It is the sort of day that is ripe for curling up indoors with a mug of hot coffee, but Hassan greets us in his running gear. “I will be heading to the Swimming Club for a workout after we talk,” he explains, as he ushers us inside. It is Thursday, so he will be doing a strengthening and conditioning workout as per his well-established training regime. “I have a training plan for the week,” he explains. “On Mondays, I do a five-kilometre run; on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I do a strengthening and conditioning workout, and on Wednesdays and Fridays, I do a long run of high intensity. On Saturdays ...

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