HENDERIC ENGLEBRECHT: THE FIRST GAME WARDEN OF YALA NATIONAL PARK (SECOND ADDENDUM TO “A BOER PRISONER OF WAR IN CEYLON, THE YALA NATIONAL PARK AND SMS EMDEN OF THE IMPERIAL GERMAN NAVY: THE CONNECTION”) Compiled by Gp Capt Kumar Kirinde, SLAF (Retd)Contents extracted from below given webpage shared by Anoma Abeyewardene, an aviation, military and general history enthusiast. https://www.facebook.com/dordrechtmuseum/posts/the-boer-pow-who-chose-to-stay-in-ceylonthe- group-of-anglo-boer-war-enthusiasts-/1835017156744503/ The group of Anglo-Boer War enthusiasts had visited Dordrecht Museum, Netherlands and this group included English author Robin Woodruff. He had given a talk at the museum on his collection of memorabilia produced by Boer prisoners of war. An article based on Robin Woodruff’s talk was published in the Sunday Times of Sri Lanka which goes like this; ...

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