AN INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE FOR THE  MONTH OF JULY 2021 Every mystery contains two parts – one you know and the other you don’t!  The Holy Trinity is one we cannot easily grasp, because our finite minds cannot fully comprehend the Infinite.  The Bible reveals that there is one God in three persons – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  The power of God resides in all three persons.  For instance, Jesus said before His ascension into heaven, ‘that the Father has given all power and authority to Him’ (Matthew 28 : 18-20). Jesus said to his Disciples, “As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you!” (John 20 : 20-22).  Jesus while sending his Disciples, tells them to be clothed with power from on high (Luke 24 : 45-49).  From these passages we see that the power we are given is passed on from the Father to the Son ...

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