An Amazing Tale – By Des Kelly   Once again, a huge “thank you” to Max Gerreyn for this most amazing TRUE STORY. A strange feeling tells me that  our esteemed readers of e’Lanka could well do without any lengthy introduction to this Amazonian Tale, so allow me to take you straight into it. Desmond Kelly. (Editor-in-Chief) eLanka.  Amazing Story…… In 1964 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, when this woman got pregnant her senior year in high school, the principal told her she would not be allowed to graduate. She begged the school to change its mind. It did, but there were conditions. She was not allowed to talk to the other students. She was barred from eating in the cafeteria. She could not come to school more than five minutes in advance of the opening bell, and she had to leave school within five minutes of the closing bell. She was not ...

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Robots in Supermarkets: A self-assistant culture or invasion of consumer privacy? By Aditya Abeysinghe     As retail giants soar with customers and aims to keep the balance between supply and demand a vital requirement of supermarket management has been to monitor and assist workers in their daily routines. Many surveillance equipment is widely used in supermarkets worldwide to assist monitoring processes but few have begun a new culture where robots are used not only as surveillance devices but also as assistants to both staff and customers.  Robots are currently used as assistants to look for occurrences of spills, uncleaned floors and direct customers around supermarkets. These robots go up and down store’s aisles and perform these tasks and alert staff members if any occurrences are found. Supermarket chains believe that this will increase the productivity of their daily functions by directing many supervisory tasks to robots.  Robots are used ...

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Sri Lanka asks Amazon to remove bikinis and doormats featuring its flag   ISHARA S. KODIKARA The country has also complained to the Chinese authorities about other products like doormats Source:-finance Sri Lanka has asked retail giant Amazon to take down bikinis, briefs and doormats featuring the nation’s lion flag from its site, authorities said Sunday, two days after it protested against the Chinese-made products. The country is highly sensitive to what it sees as any misuse of its national flag, as well as Buddhist symbols.  Sri Lanka said it had lodged a formal protest with the online retailer and asked Chinese authorities to ensure an end to the manufacture and sale of similar products. “The company which marketed the product on Amazon was requested by letter from the embassy to immediately cease selling the doormats and any such products, misusing the Sri Lanka flag,” the Sri Lankan embassy in China ...

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