Kandy’s Olympic heroes in athletics and boxing – By Hafiz Marikar The Ceylon Olympic team at the Olympic camp in Richmond Park, London 13th June 1948. (From left) Edward Gray, Albert Perera, Duncan White, John de Saram, Mr. Perera (team manager), George Peiris, Leslie Handunge and Alex Obeysekera Image source: Sunday Observer  Kandy has produced several Olympic heroes especially in athletics and boxing Here are some of them who have brought honour and fame to their home town with their achievements DUNCAN WHITE – In the 1948, Wembley Olympics 400 metres hurdles, the most colourful of all track events,there was an obscure youth from a little known island. The stands swelled with cheering spectators, cameras whirred and the air hummed with the voice of famous commentators of the finalist line up. The loud-speakers blared their names: Two Americans confident of winning, a dour Swede, a swarthy Italian. Then the announcer said ...

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White who started the spark – By Rear Admiral Dr. Shemal Fernando PhD   Source: Sunday Observer An iconic moment: A determined Duncan White fixing his starting blocks at the London 1948 Olympic Games 400m Hurdles final Duncan White: First Sri Lankan Olympic Medalist and First Athlete to witness Raising of the National Flag to the Crescendo of the National Anthem Having been a close observer and student of the world’s most beautiful sport of athletics for fifty years, my effort is to make a justification to the enormous impact, prestige and influence made by Sri Lanka’s inimitable athlete, Duncan White who put our country on the world map. I thought the ideal time for such an exertion is the run up to an Olympic Games. Athletics is complex and wonderfully varied, but it also embodies passion, hard work and self-improvement. Athletics is education and entertainment, respect for the rules ...

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