Anne Frank: A Dutch Girl whom the Nazis Exterminated …. But Her Diary Lives Source:Thuppahis Bart Von Es, in The Guardian, 25 May 2019, where the title runs “Anne Frank: the real story of the girl behind the diary” Albert Gomes de Mesquita is one of the last people alive to have known Anne Frank in person. He appears briefly in her diary as a fellow student at the Jewish Lyceum in Amsterdam, where she writes of him: “Albert de Mesquita came from the Montessori School and jumped a year. He’s really clever.” There is nothing else. In all likelihood, Albert more or less vanished from her memory, but for him the situation is, inevitably, very different. As the years have gone by his memories of Anne have become ever more important. Aged 89, he still travels internationally to conferences on her work and life. Anne has become a strange kind of celebrity and Albert, as someone who was actually ...

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