Hunter remembers Sri Lanka’s wounded – BY Helen Gregory  (source: Newcastle Herald) SHOCK at the Sri Lanka terrorist attack has made way for expressions of sorrow and solidarity with its population, which is still reeling from the Easter Sunday bombings that killed 253 people and injured more than 500. Sri Lankan-born priest Father Joseph Figurado said Mass for around 100 people at Christ The King in Mayfield West on Thursday night to remember everyone affected and show unity with Sri Lankans in the Hunter. Father Figurado said the world was grieving and searching for answers about why the terrorists chose Easter and targeted innocent church goers and children.  Related: Sri Lanka-born Hunter priest organises mass to remember victims of Easter Sunday bombing “After all these questions there is a huge silence,” Father Figurado said in his homily.  “Each one of us has been extended beyond what we have thought possible.  “We ...

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