Nothing will remain with you forever-BY SAMANGIE WETTIMUNY   Source:-Sundayobserver Following are excerpts from an interview with renowned meditation guru and Dhamma teacher Most Venerable Ajahn Suchart Abhijato Maha Thera of Thailand. Q: There is a misconception among certain people that Buddhism is a pessimistic religion which is centered around Suffering, Dukkha. The ultimate happiness according to Buddhism is attaining Nirvana, the end of suffering. So those who criticise Buddhism hold the view that it does not promote the individual to lead a happy material life. Is it true or how would you analyse this? A: Well, Buddhism is like a hospital. Usually, when you go to the hospital you do not get good news, you will get bad news. But at the same time, you get treatment. You go to a hospital because you are sick. And when you go there the doctor will analyse your problem. For example, if you ...

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