Aelian blends artistic expertness to realize aesthetic delight – by Sunil Thenabadu    Memories linger only in the minds of the fellow citizen. Human memories being frail, they very often fade away. The complex psychological process which is very much a conscious process is also automatic when it comes to naturally talented veteran musicians like Aelian Thilakaratne. It is a combination of signals from the nervous system that help to produce intricate musical notes and interpretive decisions on whether to apply a technique in measuring up its comparative and expressive value, all this within seconds. Aelian who is down to earth humble and unassuming is one of the oldest musicians in our native Sri Lanka.  One of the important distinctions of applying comparative attitudes and vocal creativity is to discriminate one tradition of music, specific styles, and techniques from other traditions of music and their corresponding styles, by not blending them ...

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