An Evening For An Author To Shine – By Sharmila Jayasinghe Niriella   The book of poems, “Above The Ocean  Wide  And Deep” was the centre of attention again when the author of the book Eva P Wickramage was introduced to the Sri Lankan community in Brisbane recently.  Eva ,  a well known educationist and media person in Sri Lanka who has written over eleven books spoke fondly of how her deep love for her grandchildren prompted her to create heart-warming poems  dedicated to each one of her six grandchildren and then continue on to write poems on various subjects.  “Pitter Patter Little Feet was my first poem” speaking at the event Eva said, “That poem was written when my grandkids migrated to Australia and speaks of Dilara, my eldest granddaughter who was just a toddler then. The loneliness I felt when she and her little sister Reshmi left the shores of Sri Lanka could not be washed away with anything I did or ...

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