How Tikiri ducked a match-making attempt-by GAD Sirimal Source:Island As far back as the early As far back as the early 1950’s, I was boarded at an exclusive and expensive boarding house at Karlsruhe Gardens, Borella, where all facilities were provided – attached bathroom, wardrobe, tables etc for two occupants. My roommate was Tikiri Ekneligoda, a good looking Kandyan of my age, belonging to the Kandyan aristocracy. One day he told me that his father wanted to meet his roommate. On a Saturday morning weeks later, his father appeared, He was an imposing figure, sporting a Kaiser mustache and during our conversation he inquired from where I hailed and also my name. I said that I am from a village upcountry, called Karahandungala, near Nawalapitiya and my name was Sirimal. On hearing this his facial expression changed and I knew he had heard a name sounding like ‘Sirimala’ identified with ...

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