Her mother, Florence, aged 80 & her 50 year old autistic sister Sheryil came to Melbourne from India together with her youngest brother who migrated to Australia in 2012. It was after her dad’s passing away in India, that the final 3 members of the Allen family decided to join her, her spouse, and other brothers, already residents & citizens of this Country. This was the primary reason why Florence & Sheryil came to Melbourne. This law-abiding family simply wanted to spend the rest of their lives together in a Country that gives every “migrant” “a fair go” & a chance for a better life. Since arriving in Melbourne, her youngest brother also gained his citizenship. Her entire family, brothers, Uncle, Aunts, Cousins & herself & Spouse, are all gainfully employed here, pay their taxes and live as good Aussies should, following the law, to the letter, and, as proudly ...

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