375th Anniversary of the Christian Reformed Church (former Dutch Reformed Church) in Sri Lanka Dear Friends and former members of the Dutch Reformed Church, now Christian Reformed Church in Sri Lanka On 6 October 2017 the Christian Reformed Churches in Sri Lanka will celebrate the faith of their fathers and God’s goodness and blessing on its 375th anniversary. Past members, Ministers, friends and well wishers from all over the world, together with the congregations in Sri Lanka, are warmly invited to join in this Service of Thanksgiving, which will take place at the old church in Galle on 5 October 2017 (Poya Day holiday), commencing at 10.00 a.m. For further information you can contact the Office of the CRC in Sri Lanka on telephone number 94 1 2360861 or on email : 375crcsl@gmail.com Do plan on coming and joining us in the celebrations. Helene de Rosayro Member, on behalf of ...

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