3 WAY LOVE AFFAIR by Desmond Kelly He is Irish, another dyed in the wool “Country Singer” & Songriter, not “as big” in stature as some of his American counterparts, but just as endearing as any other I have seen. The mere fact that he sings Country songs that mean so much, makes him another “entertainer” that went to America as well & became just as popular as some of the “icons” already there. Personally, I love this song because, together with another few ex-Navy “mates” of mine, I practically “lived” the lyrics of this song which I would recommend to any “Country-Song” lover. They were known as “affairs” in the old days. They were clandestine affairs, nowadays, they are as common as salt, open affairs that make our “Social Media” very rich indeed. Just one more little confession on my part, to all my “readers” everywhere. This “stuff” I write ...

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