145th Battle Of The Blues – Sadev Saysa – The Only shining Light Source :  Thomiana – May 2024 According to many sports writers, the 145th Battle of the Blues will be recorded as arguably one of the drabbest of draws ever played out in its history, as the Thomians were found guilty of opting to chase personal milestones rather than forcing a result, when the third and final day of their big match cricket encounter ended. This encounter, will now be best remembered as the ‘145th Battle of the Yawn’, a match that the Thomians played never to win. With the onus on them to force a result, S. Thomas’ College went into a surprise defensive mode and chose to end the match as a stalemate, much to the relief of the Royal College cricketers whom they had to beat in regaining the coveted D.S. Senanayake Shield that they ...

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