Rishi Sunak: A quick guide to the UK’s new prime minister

October 25.2022, will go down as one of the most significant and momentous events of all time, in the history of the United Kingdom.

All remain hopeful, that the changing of the Prime Ministerial Guard at No.10 Downing Street, would bring about a renewed lease on life, for both the nation and her people.

For it was on this day (Tuesday) that the country decided to welcome into its collective fold, a new leader who it felt, could provide the people with stability and a level playing field.

At 42, Rishi Sunak becomes not only the youngest, but the only Hindu to be entrusted with the sacrosanct responsibility of leading the United Kingdom at this crucial juncture, when the political status quo is replete with challenges, which necessitates someone strong, but one who is tactful and diplomatic.

A larger percentage of political analysts and watchdogs, both nationally and globally, have according to trusted sources; unanimously given Rishi Sunak the tick of approval, as they are seemingly of the view, that he is tailor made for the demanding and exacting job.

Mr Sunak received blessings from none other than His Excellency King Charles Ill, when he was bestowed with his most prestigious appointment, on the date as stipulated above.

Rishi Sunak assumes the leadership in the aftermath of Liz Truss’ stepping down from the hot seat, after only 45 days in office. Her resignation was said to have been mainly triggered by fluid economic policies and her inability to curb rising inflation, unemployment, deep divisions and discontent, inter alia.

Mr Sunak has pledged to usher in a period of peaceful transition and economic change.

The latest to join the elite band of his predecessors, was born on May 12.1980 at the Southampton General hospital Southampton, United Kingdom, to parents of Indian descent, who inculcated in their son during his formative years and beyond, time honoured values of compassion and tolerance; the likes of which have held him in good stead.

The new prime minister is by no means politically wet behind the ears. Neither is he one afraid to speak his mind. But he does it with grace and dignity, tempering kindness with firmness, without treading on the sensitivities of people, important or otherwise.


Mr Sunak functioned as Chief Secretary to the Treasury from 2019-2020 and was Chancellor of the Exchequer effective from 2020-22.

Additionally, he advocated Brexit in the 2016 referendum on the EU Membership.

In his opening address to the UK House of Commons following his Prime Ministerial appointment, Mr Sunak paid tribute to his predecessor William Hague, whom he described as a political colossus and a gracious human being, blessed with a sense of humour and brilliant repartee to match.

He also thanked Liz Truss for her leadership; brief as it may have been. “Her heart was in the right place, but there were mistakes along the way” he said. Mr Sunak didn’t overlook Boris Johnson, who in actual fact took him under his wing, when he initially entered the rough, tough, tumble and thankless game of politics.

For Rishi Sunak the terrain ahead could be inhospitable. He has inherited the Poisoned Chalice. Hopefully, he will be able to detoxify it.

The ailing economy, coupled with rising inflation and relatively high unemployment; (as stated above,)have been thorny issues and sticking points which have plagued and bamboozled most of Mr Sunak’s predecessors, throughout their respective tenures.

Additionally, there have been deep divisions, ones that require the new prime minister’s undivided and expeditious attention.

Nonetheless, by virtue of his address to the UK Parliament; (one which was enthusiastically applauded), Mr Sunak seems to be equal to the task. He has vowed to address crucial issues.

Mr Sunak is wished only the very best, as he takes his great nation on a new course.

There could possibly, even probably, be blips on the radar. Nonetheless, that’s to be expected, considering hiccups of that nature come with the territory. Good leaders, as do honourable human beings, seperate the grain and with a breath of kindness blow away the chaff. That’s the stuff champs are made of.

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