Success – By Niranjan Selvadurai

Success – By Niranjan Selvadurai


Success – By Niranjan Selvadurai

I raced up the mountain looking for you

So many others were running up too

To be the first and to be the best

From childhood we train for this test


I went past many in my haste

Some seemed tired some seemed dazed

But reaching that summit was my solitary aim

My unerring shot at wealth and fame


As slopes grew steeper less climbers I saw

Many a fallen comrade on the mountain floor

But if I fall back I must take the blame

I thought I knew the rules of this game


Finally, I did conquer the mountain peak

There your welcoming presence I seek 

But the top was barren where no flowers bloom

And you were nowhere, just the misty gloom


So where else could I venture from there?

Need for that descending trek was clear

But there was no race and there was no rush

Time to absorb the tranquil stillness and hush


On the way I stopped by the fallen weak

I help them rise and then up the steep 

And then I see you…in their gratefully tear

The sun had risen and the mist was clear


So, did I ascend a higher peak?

Is this the journey that one must seek?

The new focus is on the path and not on I

Success, you were sighted – Is that why?

– Niranjan Selvadurai

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