Shrasthrapathi Suranji Shamali Hindi university lecturer already a legend in singing Hindi songs at summit of fame, a human being par excellence – By Sunil Thenabadu

Shrasthrapathi Suranji Shamali Hindi university lecturer already a legend in singing Hindi songs at summit of fame, a human being par excellence – By Sunil Thenabadu

Shrasthrapathi Suranji Shamali Tennakoon is renowned as  a reputed vocalist particularly to sing Hindi songs to unprecedented tall summits ,a teacher for well over a decade, thereafter  a visiting lecturer in Hindi language for many years.She has authored about eight books all to educate the masses mostly students and university scholars   She reminisces that she had sung initially a song in public at her tender age of seven years to the backing of the popular Sunflowers musical group.She recalls that the leader Neil Warnakulasuriya had trained her so commence singing when he touched her back with his guitar particularly as she was incompetent  not familiar in singing on stage. Suranji Shamali has had several television confrontations in programs like SLRC’S ‘Leisure Time’ “Sihinayaki Re’ ( she sang many Hindi songs selected by Yashoda Wimaladharma who is extremely proficient in  Hindi),  TV Derana’s  “Jeewitha Swara”, more recently in Neth Television etc, during which she had divulged many personal details. While she was studying in the Kelaniya University, with her prospective life partner, fiancé Rohana Kumara Tennakoon, she before giving a word had told the fiancé that she is the eldest sibling in her family has two younger sisters and the ageing parents to look after, that she would consent to marry only if he promised to share her responsibilities. She now affirms that he has to date adhered to his promise to more than even one hundred percent. Suranji Shamali had confirmed that her husband like her possess matured thinking abilities hence the duo is an ideal matching couple.

How Suranji Shamali got addicted to Hindi songs  initially was when she was a young teenager in year 1988 her uncle when returning from overseas had presented her with a cassette containing  fourteen Hindi songs , the cassette was titled as “ Nostalgic hits of Latha Mangeshkar”, which made her to get addicted  to and  love Hindi songs to an unbelievable stature. After she enhanced her knowledge in the Hindi vernacular, she came to know the value in the lyrics in those songs. She recollects that on hearing them the immediate feeling was that was deeply engrossed to them as they made her very much interested and instigated to learn the Hindi vernacular possibly  as she has had connections with Hindi with her ancestors. She explained further that she used to rewind the cassette to play to enthral her to unbelievable statures. She even had professed that to preserve electricity she  had even had re-wound the cassette with a ball point pen to listen to the songs repeatedly with ulterior enthusiasm .This she followed by getting acclimatized  to more Hindi Gee songs by tuning to  programs on Hindi songs like “Bahratha Gee Vindana” to enhance her repertoire of Hindi songs.She had this was simply crazy to listen sacrificing whatever important work she had lined up for the day.This was like a senseless  and ridiculous exercise that could not be evaded. At another television dialogue the presenter had added she has had an incurable fever. which she had emphasised as a ‘friendly fever’. Shamali had claimed that to proceed in any field having this fever is crucial to climb up to stardom

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Suranji Shamli had studied in several schools beginning with Ambalangoda Wathugedera Sripathi Maha Vidyalaya, Ambalangoda Batapola Madhya Maha Vidyalaya, Horana Dickhenapura Prajapathi Balika Vidyalaya, and lately at Horana Taxila Madhya Maha Vidyalaya from where she entered the Kelaniya University..

It was while in her sixth standard class Suranji Shamali had decided to study music , her teacher a graduate Wasantha Padmini a blind being graduated from the Kelani University was highly acquainted in Hindi theory too. She recollects singing to precision the song of Sujatha Attanayake “ Dunukehiya Malak Wage Durata Penenawa ”when requested by which she had been amassed the teacher was shocked as to how could a small child could sing to  such  precision. The teacher had called her and added to her that to her what suits are Hindi songs. The teacher in her sixth standard very kindly had taught her Hindi words asking her to write in Sinhalese vernacular the Hindi words.She was taught to sing  songs like “Dil Apana” ,“Aja Sapanan”, The meaning was explained to her as though the thoughts are in your mind the happiness is within in another.

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It need to be emphasised that Suranji Shamali’s parents had taken a bold are rare decision to leave their ancestral lands in a remote village off Ambalangoda had come to Horana building a house for the foremost motive to educate the three siblings all girls. When she grew up her singing skills improved to taller heights which was identified by her mother when in year ten in year 1994.She wanted to arrange a musical concert to her before that her mother had sent her and two sisters to Premadasa Mudunkotuwa’s .“Erandathi Kala Institute’ to learn music. One of her younger sisters was competent in dancing though all could sing well. After her Ordinary levels a musical concert was organized titled “Dorata Veduma” with three shows where she had to sing sixty six songs. This was after her Ordinary Levels whilst she was expecting results staying relaxed at her dwelling. Suranji Shamila has confirmed that the funds for the concert had been found by leasing her parental land which had been lost to them later unable to retrieve it. In year 2000 she had participated in ‘Thurunu Shakthi Saundarya Tharika’ was adjudicated as the winner. In the Kalutara district she had become first and in the All Island placed sixth. She was  admitted to Sri Palee Horana for her advanced levels. However coming to know this the authorities of Taxila Madhya Maha Vidyalaya had grabbed her for her high pursuits in singing. This had happened when she and mother had gone to Taxilla Madhya Maha Vidyalaya to sell tickets for her musical concert.The authorities had told to give a lame excuse like father was transferred when they would give her a school leaving certificate with it she had entered Taxila Madhya Maha Vidyalaya.The subjects she had opted had been Music, Buddhist Culture, Dancing and Singhalese Language. She had triumphed in the Advanced Level coming first in school with 326 marks, district rank 3 and all island rank 15 out of well over one and half lakhs students.With her high marks had been an automatic choice for admission to the Kelaniya University, where she had done a Hindi special winning the Gold medal  topping  the batch .She had gone to lecture in a university though she also got an appointment to a government school. Then she had joined Horana Taxila Maha Vidyalaya as a visiting lecturer of Hindi Language for five years from year 2004 to year 2009 at which time she was blessed with her first child,  a daughter after which for devoting time for the daughter she had been away from teaching for a while, In year 2012 after much deliberation she wanted to explore  her knowledge further in the Hindi vernacular and singing as she had then got in to the correct track and path with her enthusiasm skyrocketing. There was a genuine backing from her husband and parents. Suranji reminisces the sad incident when she was at the Katunayake airport to board a plane with her parents , husband and her three and a half years old daughter when unfortunately the daughter who was asleep had woken up and cried saying “Amma Mawa Dala Yanna Epa” which had  distraught her to tall heights  but had boarded the plane in a miserable state of mind. Even after arriving in India it had taken her days to overcome the hysterical feeling even unable to consume food.  She had entered to Banares Hindi University in study the Shrasthrapathi Hindi diploma.There had been two sections in her category  A and B out of twenty two First class triumphs she had been one among the only foreigner among the students others been all of Indian origin.She had learnt under eighteen Chancellors all highly competent personnel. It had been a gigantic sacrifice leaving her only child with parents and husband. As there had been a semester method unlike in native Sri Lankan Universities she had visited family in Sri Lanka every six months having had a vacation for one month. She recollects during her tenure at the Banares Hindi University she had sacrificed fully having sat for sixteen question papers ,viva tests also sixteen, then had answered to sixteen assignments had written a solitary thesis.

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Suranji Shamali is a woman blessed with  Universal strength to  perform many roles as activities at home perhaps with mother’s assistance at times lecturing, authoring ,educating the two daughters and singing.She had sung many songs for films . teledramas and for Torana label.In year 2011 a album  titled “Tharu Pahan Wee” was released. In addition had sung for teledramas namely ‘Sara Saha Putha’, ;Jeevithaya Lassanai a duet with Ranjan Saliya,”Korale Mahattaya” a duet with Bandula Wijeweera, ‘Mandakini’ and ‘Nil Ahasa Oba’. Then for films too Shamali had contributed namely “ Nil Diya Yahana”,”Daruwane “ a duet with Rookantha Gunatilleke, “Doni”,  a theme song of  Samanalu Neka Are,” Sinhaya”  theme song of Api Kage Kavuruda film, “Sweet Angel” in film Devidunu Himiyani,’ Ranja’. ‘Nona Mage Puthune”,”Ran Sayura”, “ Samanala thatu’, ‘Jeevithaya Lassanai’ .Shamali had sung in twelve films to date.Shamali did sing the song  “ Dukama Rasakara Waladana” for the women’s International day 2020 to the lyrics of ADS Indrani to the melody and music of Visharada Sidath Somasundara.She also had done her music video  for the song “Pemathure Mudu Hangun “, lyrics of Sujith Prasanga to the music melody of Dr Rohana Weerasinghe

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Visharada Suranji Shamali’s  university qualifications were in years 2000 to 2003 a First class  degree in Hindi special Language  at Kelaniya University.In year 2012 to 2014 on Hindi Language and Literature First class Shrasthrapathi Hindi degree  from the Banares Hindi University India.She intends obtaining Masters from the same University for which she is studying externally.

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In life Suranji Shamali is a very emotional character feels for the less fortunate , she even mixes up with all irrespective of the positions in life. For instance she mixes up closely with lady whom she calls Aunty who prepares tea even sits with her to have tea.She says likewise there are many who are attached to her for her unselfish mannerisms had confessed that for her funeral there will be many genuine mourners. She has commended her parents mother in particular and husband Rohana for the cooperation extended for the her issues particularly when authoring books which is time consuming..All the books written about eight in number very useful to students mainly in universities for which she had toiled very hard breaking rest. She says of course like in other husbands and wives’ too the duo have had conflicts but they are settled amicably instead  of been prolonged  knowing well the ideas of any duo do not tally but should be able to tolerate at such instances and adjusted accordingly  As Suranji Shamali is indulged in many areas she believes she is blessed with universal strength with blessings of God Saraswathi for her to navigate over all obstacles sans much of a hassle. She is very kind hearted had confessed that though she and family members have many bank pass books they are devoid of high balances to be reckoned with. She had added in a television dialog that if anyone wishes to donate clothes or whatever to a needy one should donate the best clothes not the ones that are not worn or kept aside which need to be learnt and followed by all.In this scenario Visharada Suranji Shamali is an exceptional individual of a very rare breed. She has no high hopes in life as she has achieved many goals to date.Her only ambition is to educate her two daughters to achieve at least to some recognised level to serve the nation.

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A long time wish to have a musical concert had been lingering in her for a long period of time.The musical concert of her ‘SAPTA SURANJI” is planned to be held on the 7th July at 7 .07 Pm at the Nelum Pokuma performing arts auditorium. She had invited illustrious Indian vocalist Mohamed Rajesh Pavon who is well known in India as the shadow of Mohamed Rafai as his sings mainly  Rafai numbers. When invited he had been reluctant to accept believing  the audience would not be in favour. During a telephone dialog Shamali had asked what numbers he would like to sing.It was Shamali as so familiar in signing Hindi songs had over the phone reminded him by singing a few songs for which Rajesh Pavon had been overwhelmed and thrilled had complemented for her singing ability.All her followers would wish her for her concert and for her already blossomed  future academic and singing career

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suranji shyamali

suranji shyamali

Sunil Thenabadu in Brisbane

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