In what appears to be an unprecedented situation in Europe  during  the last several years, mob violence and riots have now taken place in Leeds, UK, with violent mob burning buses and damaging public property.  What is particularly shocking is that these riots have taken place on a flimsy issue and it was organised  at very short notice  by the rioters . It is reported by the U K police that the riots were organised by those belonging to  some Islamic groups. At the same time, another riot has taken place in UK , when Bangladesh muslims organised violent demonstration in support of the ongoing agitation in Bangladesh. 

The deep underlying reasons  for such disturbing incidents need to be carefully understood and steps have to be taken by  the governments in Europe and Canada ,as these countries  are now tending to become susceptible to mob violence.

Around a decade back, the former Chancellor of Germany  Angela Merkel  thoughtlessly opened the flood gates to migrants in Germany ,  most of whom   are muslims  ,thinking that it was a humanitarian act to safeguard the interests of migrants from poverty conditions in their own countries.  With this move  of former German Chancellor, the   demographic balance of Europe started getting  disturbed with  these migrants freely moving from one country to another in Europe.  Obviously, these muslim migrants will never go back to their native countries and would settle down in Europe for all time to come.

It is not uncommon for people to migrate from one country to another for employment or other reasons and this has been the trend for hundreds of years. However, the situation is different in Europe now  with the muslim migrants entering Europe in a big way.

One thing obvious about the muslim migrants is that their loyalty to Islam religion is much more stronger and emotional than the loyalty to the country  to which they migrate .  The other problem is that most of these migrants who entered Europe do not have  any particular skill in tune with the modern trends and they are virtually unemployable in highly developed countries in Europe. The third issue is that they have no faith in restricting the family size and multiply their population over the years. The fourth issue is due to difference in culture ,  traditional practices and value system of the migrant population , which are different from  the  practices in traditional Europe.   Another  issue is that they tend to flock together and are unable to or do not want to integrate themselves in the mainstream of  the countries to which they migrate.

In the last several years after massive migration started in Europe, there have been serious law and order issue   in number of European countries and development of  sense of hatred  amongst the natives against the migrant population. This leads to friction in relationships   between the people.  In such situation, the societal values in Europe are   changing for the worse.

In democratic regimes in Europe, it is likely  that  sooner or later , migrant population will get a decisive say in the overall political and cultural sphere in European countries.

Many people now wonder whether Europe has already brought on itself enormous political and social burden by allowing the migrants and nobody seems to have any idea as to whether European countries can get rid of this  emerging chaotic scenario.

The scenario in Canada is  no better . Canada is also now   facing  murky conditions due to the liberal and almost unchecked migrant policy of the government.  The problems in Canada now are there for all to see.

Further, in the name of allowing freedom of speech, countries in Europe and Canada are permitting separatist groups from other countries to operate on their soil, which is disturbing the world peace. It is well known that LTTE, the militant SriLankan separatist group was able to strengthen itself  and operate war in Sri Lanka mainly due to the base given to them by European countries and Canada. Now, in Canada, certain   separatist group belonging  to Sikh community want India to be split to enable them to have a separate country known as Khalistan.  Obviously, Prime Minister of Canada seems to be ignoring the problem being created by such groups , which is threatening the sovereignty of India. Repeated protests from Indian government have been ignored by the Canadian government so far.

Governments in European  countries and Canada should realise that when they allow separatist groups from other countries to operate on their soil, it would   affect not only other countries but also European countries and Canada , as such separatist groups are often involved in violent activities disturbing the peace . Allowing separatists to operate is a self inflicted wound.

It appears that before long, European countries  and Canada would be negatively overwhelmed by the increasingly assertive migrant communities,  that may result in a scenario, where European countries and Canada would become a hotbed of political and social  stress and    unrest that may become beyond the control of the governments to manage and govern.   

The present violence in Leeds in UK and similar other mob actions in other countries in Europe in recent time and the violent incidents in Canada are   warning signals that can be ignored by European countries and Canada only at their peril.



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