Poverty & Empathy – by Noor Rahim (01 October 2022)

Poverty & Empathy – by Noor Rahim   (01 October 2022)

Poverty & Empathy

We see so much of this phenomenon called poverty, today

In this World that boasts of plenty

But many folks around the World do live in dire straits

And undoubtedly it is a reality


Some are due to misfortune and unforeseen calamity

And yet some through their own fault, & fallacy

And some indulging in unwanted fantasies

And plunging down into the chasm of a dark alley


As fellow human beings, to assist the unfortunate do we rally

Thinking foremost of sympathy and charity

But, these two feelings are really superficial and meaningless

Unless you link them with the key word of “EMPATHY”


Yes, for a more meaningful exhibit of alleviating “Poverty”

We have to fill in the shoes of the downtrodden, to understand why they have fallen, this way

The raise him up in a way with respect and the deserving dignities

It is only then will be fulfilling  the saying of “Faith; Hope; and Charity”


So. Dear Readers do charity as your Faith & Conscience Decrees; and do

so with dignity to the recipients. 

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