Piyumi Wijesekera Leaps into NASA Space …. and Mars – by Michael Roberts

Piyumi Wijesekera Leaps into NASA Space …. and Mars – by Michael Roberts

Michael Roberts

Sri Lankan born NASA scientist Piyumi Wijesekera being chosen

for NASA’s simulated Mars journey


News Item in SATYN,  8 April 2024…. entitled “Sri Lankan born NASA Scientist Piyumi Wijesekera selected for Simulated Mars Journey”

Sri Lankan born NASA scientist Piyumi Wijesekera has been chosen for NASA’s simulated Mars journey, NASA announced recently.

INTRODUCTION As of 2010, there were 45,159 Sri Lankans living in the US. Substantial immigration began in the 1990s when many fled the violence of the Sri Lankan Civil War. The majority of Sri Lankan-Americans live in the vicinity of either New York City (where there’s a Little Sri Lanka on Staten Island), central New Jersey, or Los Angeles.

Image Source : LiveSahan Twitter

In a powerful inspirational leap for Women in science and a proud moment for Sri Lanka, Piyumi Wijesekera has been selected by NASA to participate in the next simulated Mars mission. This groundbreaking endeavor aims to prepare for future human exploration of the Red Planet.

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