Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs | Media Release | Fostering Integration Grants Now Open [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]




24 September 2019


Applications for the 2019–20 Fostering Integration Grant Program are now open.The Liberal National Government is providing $2.3 million for community organisations to support the integration of migrants into Australian social, economic and civil life.

Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrants Services and Multicultural Affairs David Coleman said this round of grants will fund activities that celebrate and recognise Australia’s multicultural communities, increase cultural awareness and help build more socially
cohesive communities.

“The program has been refined to optimise opportunities for smaller, grassroots organisations. There is also a focus on key cultural events, which raise awareness of Australia’s multicultural diversity and promote a sense of belonging by bringing people together,” Mr Coleman said.

“Activities funded may include cultural events or festivals, programs that help migrants undertake valuable work experience in order to succeed in the workforce, or opportunities to practice English in their local community.

Not-for-profit organisations can apply for grants of up to $60,000 for activities lasting up to 12 months.

Applications close on 5 November 2019.

For more information and to apply for the Fostering Integration Grant Program, visit the Community Grants Hub website at

For further information: Whitney Harris 0466 462 511

Fostering Integration Grant program 2018-19 – Examples of previous grant recipients

Australian Youth Engagement National Inc. (Adelaide, SA)

Project: Youth Engagement through sport

Supporting African youth in Adelaide, the Australian Youth Engagement National organisation received $48,000 to engage young migrant communities through sport.

The project has been helping to improve the employment prospects and foster social integration through sporting activities that help youth engage and make connections in their communities.

Communities: African

The Australian-Asian Association of WA Inc (Perth, WA)

Project: A Door to Understanding, Acceptance and Empowering Migrants

Supporting culturally and linguistically diverse women in Perth, the Australian Asian Association of WA received $45,880 to provide a weekly course from their three community centres.

The course is helping women develop the practical skills, including English language, needed to participate in society and access the government resources available to them.

The aim of the project is to alleviate isolation for women and help build greater community resilience to provide opportunities for migrants to integrate in to mainstream Australian society.

Communities: Syria, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Sudan, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Palestine and Iraq

Townsville Islamic Society Inc (Townsville, Qld)

Project: Townsville Young Women and Men Soccer Program, creating opportunities for multicultural communities

Aimed at building stronger communities, the Townsville Islamic Society received $35,000 to engage ethnic and disadvantaged youth through an intercultural soccer program.

The sports program includes weekly soccer training and matches in the lead up to an annual tournament. The program is bringing community leaders, volunteers, coaches and mentors together to actively engage with youth of all cultural backgrounds, which is helping to build greater understanding and stronger communities.

Communities: Somali, Congolese, Zimbabweans, Vietnamese, Indonesians, Chinese and Middle-eastern

Melkite Catholic Welfare Association Inc (Western Sydney, NSW)

Project: Creating community for young mothers

Aimed at supporting young mothers from culturally and linguistically diverse communities, the Melkite Catholic Welfare Association Inc received $36,908 to deliver creative, community building, social cohesion and educational activities.

The association provides a 12-week program for young mothers, including a bilingual Arabic/English option, designed to help individuals become more active participants in Australian society and feel a greater sense of belonging. Classes provide education in areas such writing job applications, using public transports and understanding government services; and childcare facilities are provided to enable participation.

Community: Arabic

Islamic Society of South Australia Inc (Adelaide, SA)

Project: Community Engagement

Aimed at supporting the Muslim Community in Adelaide, the Islamic Society of South Australia received $50,000 to provide social cohesion initiatives for new and emerging communities.

The grant funding is enabling the society to support new arrivals are help them become more connected and participate in the wider community.

Community Liaison Officer, Sahar Shahin said they run a youth group for Muslim girls, with English language workshops and excursions, to help them learn more about Australian society.

Community: Muslim

Somali Communities Council Inc (Adelaide, SA)

Aimed at supporting Somali youth, the Somali Communities Council received $23,500 to create an integrated neighbourhood social cohesion centre for the delivery of youth forums, sports and community activities.

Council President, Mr Abdullahi Ahmed said they have introduced a part-time volunteer coordinate to coordinate activities that help give Somali youth a greater sense of belonging. The council aims to promote integration through multiple projects, including soccer, and excursions to events, including AFL games.

Project: Neighbourhood Integration and social cohesion centre

Community: Somali

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