“MADDER BY THE MINUTE” by Desmond Kelly ‘the Star of eLanka’


by Desmond Kelly ‘the Star of eLanka’

People, such as myself, are getting madder by the minute with everything that is happening around us.

Television Stations are “closing down”. Besides the fact that most of “Australian T.V.” has, so far existed on “Commercials” & most of THEM, so stupid, all they do, is put people OFF the product they are trying to sell & , of the hundreds screened every day, there are just a very few even worth a mention. One that comes to mind is the “ad” about “SHIP-CREEK”. This is good subtle comedy. The only other one I prefer is the “ad” presented by “MY DOG”. This, not only has a cute dog about to be fed by ir’s master, but also some nice music in the background.

As previously mentioned, with the exceptions of the A.B.C. (no commercials) & S.B.S. (commercials spaced out correctly), EVERY other T.V.Programme is chock-a-block with “ads” that infuriate viewers BUT!, & this is a big bloody BUTT!, Television, Mr.Turnbull, is the ONLY “entertainment” for the elderly, and we ARE an ageing population Sir.! Not everyone on the pension can afford to go to the movies now, not unless they are willing to forego a meal or two, to do so.

Without scrapping our T.V. Stations, why doesn’t the Government think of scrapping some of these new Political Parties that keep “popping-up”?. The latest I watched, with interest, was the “SEX-PARTY” having a bloody “party” on television, believe it or not. Sorry, this is NOT wishful thinking on my part, but even if I was forty years younger, I would not have dared to go to a “party” of that sort, my wife would have committed murder ON ME, when I got home.

Penises, (true & false), Boobs (big & small), bloody Nipples, (black & white), Buttocks, (flabby & taut), ALL in a POLITICAL-PARTY! . Why didn’t I switch the friggin T.V. off? , do you think I’m mad, people? .

How could I “use the remote” when, what followed was even MORE INTERESTING. Some “Nut-case in the nude” was preparing to an “Anh Do” with his penis. He was preparing to do a portrait-painting with a “puny-penis”!. What a “dick-head”. If he was watching, what Anh Do would have done, would be, to have a FIT.

Now, lets change to “Climate-Change”. No, no, folks, this will be too much to bear so we’ll leave that till next time. If you are much younger than me, and are fed-up with your Political Party (like most people are), then go ahead and sign up with the “Sex-Party”, especially if you have something, to REALLY BRAG ABOUT.

Desmond Kelly
“Star of e’Lanka”.

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