Largest Poson pandal in Europe

Largest Poson pandal in Europe

Largest Poson pandal in Europe


The largest Poson pandal in Europe is now being displayed at the Sri Saddhatissa International Buddhist Centre, Kingsbury

The pandal was opened at an event that was participated by High Commissioner Saroja Sirisena and the members of the staff at the High Commission of Sri Lanka. The pandal is a part of the Poson celebrations organised by the Sri Saddhatissa International Buddhist Centre in Kingsbury under the aegis of the Chief Incumbent Aggamahapandita Ven. Galayaye Piyadassi, MBE.

The highlight of the celebrations was the display of a colourful pandal depicting the life story of Bhikkhuni Patachara. The pandal which is 65 feet tall is the largest Poson pandal ever displayed in Europe. It was displayed at the forecourt of the temple premises for a period of one week.

The money collected from the generous donors who visited the pandal will be donated to the underprivileged families affected by COVID-19 in Sri Lanka.

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