Kerrigan Nominated for Australian Country Music People’s Choice Awards

Kerrigan Nominated for Australian Country Music People’s Choice Awards

Kerrigan La-Brooy - Live Laugh Love

Absolutely stoked to be Nominated in the 2023 Australian Country Music People’s Choice Awards in 8 Categories. These awards are based on one vote per person so you only need to vote once. Even though it takes around a minute, I thank and appreciate you taking the time. If possible, please share among your contacts who may be willing to do likewise and we’ll hopefully score us some extra votes  I have never won this award and being a ‘people person’ I sure would love to. Here is the link and please vote as below (I’ve included a screenshot of how to vote)

Best Male Vocal: Kerrigan La-Brooy

Best Group or Due: Kerrigan La-Brooy & His 6 Children

Best Album: Live Laugh Love – Kerrigan La-Brooy

Best Song: Democracy Hypocrisy – (Writer) Kerrigan La-Brooy

Best Video: Live Laugh Love – Kerrigan La-Brooy

Most Promising Future Star: Xondra La-Brooy

Most Popular DJ: Kerrigan La-Brooy – Gethsemane Radio

Most Popular Radio Station: Gethsemane Radio 24/7

(You can leave blank the categories that don’t apply. Simply fill in your name, address, phone number etc at the top and when all’s done just click the SUBMIT button at the bottom. It’s all perfectly safe and professional. Thanks again!)


Launch of Gethsemene TV - with Kerrigan La-Brooy

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