Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

  • Name: Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena
  • Profession: Software Developer / Commodity Analyst
  • Location: United Kingdom
  • Interests: Making Apps in Math & Physics | Playing guitar | Extensive Walking | Reading Classics | Canoeing | Listening to Classical Music
  • Web Sites:


Articles Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

The Double-Edged Sword: Falling Oil Prices and Regional Impacts – By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

The Double-Edged Sword: Falling Oil Prices and Regional Impacts - By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena Source : oilfutures The price of crude...
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Articles Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

Oil price: diverging forecasts on oil demand from two global giants – By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

Oil price: diverging forecasts on oil demand from two global giants - By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena Source : oilfutures Data and...
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Articles Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

The latest blow to the oil and gas markets: Chinese manufacturing sector shrinks again! – By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

The latest blow to the oil and gas markets: Chinese manufacturing sector shrinks again! - By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena Source: oilfutures...
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Articles Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

Cracks Appear in OPEC+ Facade as Kazakhstan Seeks Production Hike – By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

Cracks Appear in OPEC+ Facade as Kazakhstan Seeks Production Hike - By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena Source : oilfutures The OPEC+ alliance...
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Articles Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

Stagnating Oil Prices: can OPEC+ ever provide the crucial spark? – By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

Stagnating Oil Prices: can OPEC+ ever provide the crucial spark? - By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena   www.oilfutures.co.uk   Source : oilfutures...
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Articles Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

The latest blow to the oil markets: Chinese manufacturing activity slows down again! – By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

The latest blow to the oil markets: Chinese manufacturing activity slows down again! - By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena   With...
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Articles Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

Volunteering: A Great British Passion – By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

Volunteering: A Great British Passion - By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena “You have the right to work only, but never to...
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Articles Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

Mideast Strike Fizzles: Oil Prices Dip Despite Geopolitical Jitters – By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

Mideast Strike Fizzles: Oil Prices Dip Despite Geopolitical Jitters - By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena Source : oilfutures The energy markets breathed...
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Articles Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

Wil Iran attack Israel soon? Only time will tell!

Wil Iran attack Israel soon? Only time will tell! - By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena Credit: Google Maps Source : oilfutures With...
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Articles Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

The Sun goes on vacation! – the total solar eclipse 2024 – By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena, United Kingdom

The Sun goes on vacation! – the total solar eclipse 2024 - By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena, United Kingdom The lucky...
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Articles Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena

Satyagraha – the abused spiritual weapon – By Hemantha Abeywardena

Satyagraha - the abused spiritual weapon - By Hemantha Abeywardena Mahatma Gandhi with Jawaharlal Nehru (Image Source: archives.dailynews.lk) Source:- dailynews.lk...
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