“HELP ME”!! – by Des Kelly

“HELP ME”!! – by Des Kelly

Sometimes it seems that the BEST there is, passes you by.

This almost happened to me, until my brother Ian, now resident in Sri Lanka sent me this video of Eloise Saayman 

singing a Country Gospel Song that I had heard many times before, sung superbly by Gene Watson, the Texas-based Country Icon, a song with, as simple a title, as anyone could think of, which was “Help me”. After hearing Gene sing this song, I did try to find a comparison to his version to no avail, until quite suddenly this version appeared in the messenger column of my ipad, courtesy my brother.

I have to admit that I took hardly any notice of this latest message, being extremely busy with my Editorial work for e’Lanka, finally deciding to give ear to what this pretty bespectacled lass had in store for me, and “WOW”!!!, this young lady who is originally from South Africa, is not just a beautiful Vocalist, but also a Songwriter, and sings her Country Gospel songs in both English and Africaans.

I then decided that all my readers of e’Lanka, around the World MUST hear a prayer to the Almighty (in song), at a time that our Planet so badly needs it, sung perfectly by someone that most of us had never heard of, until now.

Thank you Ian, for sending me this video, and thank you, Eloise for your superb rendition of the song, complete with your backing musicians who provide the feeling and tender touch needed for a song of this calibre.

This song was originally written by Larry Gatlin, while Kris Kristofferson also recorded it complete with a song he had written to match the sentiments of “Help me”, titled “Why me, Lord”?, but folks, please help me to help you listen to one of the nicest Country Gospel Songs, EVER.


Desmond Kelly.

(Editor-in-Chief) e’Lanka.

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