Hatred Or Forgiveness can lead to War Or Peace – By Oscar E V Fernando

Hatred Or Forgiveness can lead to War Or Peace – By Oscar E V Fernando

The recent carnage in our country can be called a test tube case of hatred and forgiveness-hatred by some and a feat of forgiveness by the victimized, both dead and alive-dead from on high and from the live-forgiveness due to the Faith of their forefathers coming down from the crucified Christ pleading with His Father to Forgive those who nailed Him to the Cross

 For those mentally distressed, physically disabled and loved ones of victims affected by the bloody massacre; and also for the villains of the peace who carried out the carnage, this writer pens a few words to ponder about!

 Hatred-an intense dislike, enmity and ill will towards another: Forgiveness-a decision to stop being angry or to pardon a purported wrong doer-an act easier said than done.

 Psychologists say-a person could lead a happier life with forgiveness and service-especially given to those that need one’s forgiveness: one must also work through hatred and resentment to get to a wider plain of understanding and forgiveness.

In spite of the difficulty to let go of anger or hatred toward those who have hurt us, or we feel have wronged us, one way or the other, the act of forgiveness preached by the Greats is now being increasingly prescribed by psychologists to those suffering from the effects of injustice.

Forgiveness is being increasingly discovered as an alternative therapy to medication for those in mental distress due to resentment and hatred: after treatment with exercises of forgiveness, it has been found that the person treated is able to make a moral response of goodness towards an offender
Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot that it will singe you says Shakespeare: a police bulletin in the US says—if selfish people try to take advantage of you, cross them off your list, but don’t try to get even. When you try to get even, you hurt yourself more than you hurt the purported wrong doer-and that from a hard core Police Bulletin. 

Hatred could arise in the hearts of victims-as in our case at hand:  hatred also causes villainess acts by others-such as terrorists.

It is easy to renounce hatred if one recognizes the inherent good in all human beings-including the purported wrongdoer. At times it appears that some, purposely retain hatred to make one feel alive-powerful and identifiable in comparison to the one he hates

Hatred so nurtured can develop into societal hatred and eventually effect a society and then a nation-this is now evident in Global Terror!

Modernist thought today has spread fast with denial of a Creator-Universal Truth and Natural Justice; this has made it difficult for today’s youth to know themselves with its shared implications with society-says some psychologists.

This has resulted in a fragile empty sense of self among youth-turning to ugly self-indulgence and vulgar consumerism. Youth are lost making it difficult for them to establish a firm sense of Whiter they come and Whence they go. Hatred of themselves and society is the final outburst.

How can this be overcome?

Psychologists say-an understanding of oneself and the meaning to life can be attained to a great extent by relating to one’s neighbor with a sense of service love and forgiveness; it then fills the void created by removal of anger and hatred harbored so far—by replacing it with a quality of self-worth, namely altruism; that is living a life of service to others. Does it not echo the admonition given by Jesus Christ-to Love thy Neighbor as Thyself?

What does it entail?
Altruistic behavior has been associated with psychological health and wellbeing implying-enhanced social integration-distraction from one’s own problems-increased perception of self-efficacy and competence-enhanced meaningfulness. 

Nations go to war very often through anger and hatred with lack of empathy and altruism that is lacking in the mass of individuals that make up the nation-or part of its community.

Take the US Nine Eleven Terror Attack when the then US leader said-let’s play ball and vowed to bring perpetrators to book’

Have they-even now?And all this to arrest Terrorists with Might!

Can we all not cry to High Heavens for the world leaders to cease hatred for it will never cease with hatred-admonished by Lord Buddha and similarly admonished by another Great-Nelson Mandela?

Forgiveness by no means is a mere an act of passivity but a deep penetration with positivity to bring about justice in a surrendered position!

It is not too late.
Thoughts in this piece are more emphatic in the poem composed by the writer in the aftermath of nine eleven in the US-appended.

Cheek to Cheek
Pa said the son; they talk and talk of peace, just what is this peace?
This illusive peace to war is like chalk is to cheese.
Conflict resolutions they say, but are we all not lost in it.
How come said the son when all human beings yearn for this?

Yes said pa, but we have separate minds and separate wills;
Unlike robots we can create and do what we will.
Then what should we do said the son, to have the peace, we all seek;
Use your will to do what is right; good conscience, do keep. 

Will not shooting and killing be the easier way out said the son.
Where did you learn this asked the surprised father from the son?
This is what we see on television day in and day out;
The bullet and the gun are the only way those in power can shout.

My advice to turn the other cheek as told by Christ—did you follow asked the curious father.
John slapped me and with no show of temper, I turned the other cheek: he rather;
Was surprised and his fury vanished before mine own eyes.
That would be the best way for eventual justice said the father, unable to control tears from his own eyes
They told me father; without greed and craze for power the world will be still.
Yes, that is what rulers of old taught to retain their power and do their will.
What should we do now, if that is what comes down to us from them?
Why let those blind keep us blind; open your eyes, scales will fall off then. 

But some say it is cowardly meekness that the world will not condone.
You did try and found what boldness and courage are needed for this alone.
The highest power on earth should try this—even now, with good design;
Though with short victory—vicious cycle’s bound to follow tragedy Eleven Ni

‘Hatred will not cease with hatred’ Lord Buddha.-( Poem First published in 2003)

Oscar E V Fernando


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