HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Wishing you Dear Eric Clapton, many happy returns of today (April 06) – By Joe Van Langenberg

HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Wishing you Dear Eric Clapton, many happy returns of today (April 06) – By Joe Van Langenberg


Joe Van Langenberg

Wishing you Dear Eric Clapton, many happy returns of today (April 06)& beyond. Millions of your dedicated fans including yours truly, take this opportunity in letting you know, how much you have been & continue to be admired, appreciated & loved, firstly for the contribution you keep on making to the music industry & the joy you usher into the lives of all whom you have inspired & keep on inspiring over the decades.


Despite the many personal demons you have grappled with & slain, not to mention the personal tragedies which dogged you over the years; heartaches which would have made lesser mortals resign to their fate, you picked up the pieces & triumphed over adversity.

That is the stuff champs are made of. May we take this opportunity in saying “WE LOVE YOU” Have a great celebration & may your reign be long!




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