Golden Wedding of Nirmala & Mevan Pieris, celebrated at Galle Face Hotel on 16th June 2023.

Golden Wedding of Nirmala & Mevan Pieris, celebrated at Galle Face Hotel on 16th June 2023.

Nirmala and Mevan Pieris celebrated 50years of married life on the 16th of June 2023 with a reception held at Galle Face Hotel, Colombo. We are sharing a few photographs taken that day.

Golden Wedding of Nirmala & Mevan Pieris, celebrated at Galle Face Hotel on 16th June 2023. - eLankaNirmala & Mevan dancing.

Golden Wedding of Nirmala & Mevan Pieris, celebrated at Galle Face Hotel on 16th June 2023. - eLankaMevan inserts a Golden wedding ring closely watched by The Ven. Jayanth Jeyaveerasingan, and The Revd. Suresh Dias Bandaranaike, and grand-son Dineth Pieris.

Golden Wedding of Nirmala & Mevan Pieris, celebrated at Galle Face Hotel on 16th June 2023. - eLankaNirmala & Mevan with their five grand-children

L-R , Dineth, Nirmala, Anithra, Mevan, Kiyana and Jaanya, with Nireka standing in front.

Golden Wedding of Nirmala & Mevan Pieris, celebrated at Galle Face Hotel on 16th June 2023. - eLankaNirmala & Mevan with their two children and five grand-children

L-R;  Dineth, Nilanka, Nirmala, Mevan, Nireka (standing in front), Dilani, Kiyana, Jaanya, Anithra, Haren.

Golden Wedding of Nirmala & Mevan Pieris, celebrated at Galle Face Hotel on 16th June 2023. - eLanka Extended Family Group  

Seated on ground in the centre  –  Mevan Pieris

Front row  – L-R,  Shevan Goonetilleke, Nirmala Pieris, Theshika Goonetilleke, Nireka        Pieris, Gamini Goonetilleke, Kiyana Yatawaka, Dineth Pieris, Jaanya Yatawaka, Theashini Goonetilleke.

Standing, front row   –   Shelendra Goonetilleke, Shemali Perera, Anithra Yatawaka (bending forward), Ravi Goonetilleke, Shehani Gooneilleke, Eshani Goonetilleke, Preethi Goonetilleke, Dilushi Pieris, Sharmala Goonetilleke.

Standing, last row   –    Shevika Goonetilleke, Anslem Goonetilleke, Dilani Yatawaka, Reshanga Goonetilleke, Nilanka Pieris, Haren Yatawaka.

Golden Wedding of Nirmala & Mevan Pieris, celebrated at Galle Face Hotel on 16th June 2023. - eLanka Nilanka Pieris proposes a toast for good health and happiness of his parents.

Golden Wedding of Nirmala & Mevan Pieris, celebrated at Galle Face Hotel on 16th June 2023. - eLankaThe head table responds to the toast with lifted glasses

 L-R; Jaanya, Kiyana, Anithra, Haren, Dilani, Mevan, Nirmala, Dilushi, Dineth and Nireka

Golden Wedding of Nirmala & Mevan Pieris, celebrated at Galle Face Hotel on 16th June 2023. - eLankaFive grand-children enjoying photos taken by them

Seated  L-R ;  Jaanya Yatawaka, Kiyana Yatawaka, Nireka Pieris, Anithra Yatawaka

Standing     –   Dineth Pieris


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