‘God qualifies the called’: Ashan Peiris ordained to the Diaconate – By Josh Low

‘God qualifies the called’: Ashan Peiris ordained to the Diaconate – By Josh Low

Source : hobart.catholic

Tears of joy flowed as Ashan Peiris was ordained to the Diaconate on Friday 5 July at St Mary of the Cross Church in Ranelagh.

Having arrived in Tasmania from Sri Lanka just last year, the newly ordained Deacon has spent the last 12 months completing his final year of seminary studies with Melbourne’s Corpus Christi College, as well as serving in parish ministry at the Huon Valley Parish.

Ashan Peiris was ordained to the Diaconate on Friday 5 July. Photo: Josh Low

Deacon Ashan said he had spent the last few months reflecting on his journey to the priesthood.

“I came to understand that being a priest requires me to be weak, as our own strengths can sometimes obstruct the manifestation of God’s grace in our lives.

“I humbly acknowledge my weakness as a seminarian on this momentous day, where God’s power and strength can truly shine. On this beautiful day, I do not dare to boast.

Ashan the ordinand lies prostrate on the ground during the Rite of Ordination to the Diaconate. Photo: Josh Low

“Where weakness abounds, grace super-abounds all the more,” he said.

“I offer my deepest thanks to Almighty God for the gift of life, and the call to serve His people.

“It is through God’s divine plan and the intercession of Mother Mary and St Joseph that I find myself here.”

Describing Archbishop Julian as a true icon of a loving shepherd and a heroic father, Deacon Ashan thanked the Archbishop for his trust and support along the way.

He also thanked Huon Valley Parish Priest Fr Warren Edwards for the “profound impact” he has had on his life and vocation during his pastoral placement.

Though his mother could not be present for his ordination as she was caring for his grandmother in Sri Lanka, Deacon Ashan’s father was present to see his son take the next step towards the priesthood.

Deacon Ashan’s father travelled from Sri Lanka to witness his ordination to the priesthood. Photo: Josh Low

Deacon Ashan concluded his speech following his ordination by offering the words: “God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called.”

In his homily, Archbishop Julian reminded Deacon Ashan to embrace the will of God for him, the ministry of diaconate and the offering of himself for ordination to the priesthood with joyful confidence and great hope.

“You are not here today because of a simple career choice, or an attraction to do deacon or priestly work,” Archbishop Julian said.

Archbishop Julian told Deacon Ashan to always be willing to lay down his life for others, just as Christ did. Photo: Josh Low

“It is far, far more than that. There is something deeper at work in you. Indeed, it has been at work in you for some time.

“Ashan, see your ordination to the diaconate as a concrete expression of your intention to dedicate your life to the service of others. Be willing always to lay down your life. This is the way of Jesus, the Good Shepherd.

“I know there is much joy in your heart as you present yourself for ordination this evening.

Archbishop Julian embraces the newly ordained Deacon at the end of the Rite of Ordination. Photo: Josh Low

“I know your family is proud of you and all of us here have great love for you and confidence in you. Go forth knowing God is indeed with you and daily surrender your life into his hands.

“May the Lord grant you an abundance of grace as tonight you are ordained to the sacred ministry of deacon,” Archbishop Julian concluded.

Deacon Ashan has been appointed to serve in the Mersey Leven Parish.

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