Foundation Supporting A National Trauma Service In Sri Lanka Presentation at 5th Annual General Meeting

Foundation Supporting A National Trauma Service In Sri Lanka
Presentation at 5th Annual General Meeting


The Vision

To extend and enhance the National Trauma Service in Regional Sri Lanka

Karapitiya Hospital(Southern Province, Galle District) completed under a joint venture between the Government of Victoria, Australia and the Government of Sri Lanka

Batticaloa Teaching Hospital (Eastern Province) urgently needs and updated facility

Other public hospitals in regional Sri Lanka, are to be provided A & E Trauma units following our call for the need to be fulfilled.


The Mission

To empower doctors in Sri Lankan Teaching Hospitals to improve health care services, by providing them with medical resources, training and support to buold the necessary infrastructure within their teaching hospitals.

To extend the National Trauma Service from Karapitiya to Batticaloa and beyond.

To raise US$ 6million
50% from the private sector companies
50% from the Sri Lankan Government, (Ministry of Health)


The Need

From 14318 patients in 2012, the number seeking help at the Emergency & Accident Treatment Unit at the Teaching Hospital in Batticaloa has increased to about 18000 patients in 2016

This is nealy 50 patients a day that come to the limited facilities at this very large general hospital for treatment following:

– Road accidents
Dog Bites
Snake Bites
Acid Burns
The ingestion of poisons(Suicide)
Homicidal incidents

Currently they are treated in the limited space with whatever resources that the dedicated team of doctors, surgeons and medical staff can muster.
(If tratment is given in the golden hour, a limb or a life may be saved)







The Funding Challenge

* We pledgeed US$2 million(LKR 260 million) towards the construction cost. In total we have received nearly LKR 230 million to-date. Most funds have been received but some are yet to pay and this could drag out to mid 2017.

*  Our task is to raise another LKR 30 million from large corporates or individuals in Sri Lanka, Australia and the rest of the world.

*  We also pledged another USD 1 million for fitting out the operating Theatres. We are negotiating for a substatial contribution from a large International Medical Equipment supplier.

*  We have also harnessed the support of the Rotary movement for raising funds for furniture and medical equipment.

*  We must engage in fund raising activities to achieve these gols.


Destination In Sight

*  The building is on target to complete end 2017. Fitout and commissioning will extend to early 2018

*  We have already approached the Alfred Hospotal’s A&E Management to partner with us in providing training and development for the key staff that would work in the new A&E Trauma Unit at THB

*  To this end, there are plans to visit Batticaloa end 2017 and to set down the guidelines for future training.

*  The Rotary movement are also working with us in a Vocational Training exchange between Sri Lanka and Australia.





Why We Need You

*  To continue to provide us your moral support

*  To help us reach influential people that can give us a donation for the building

*  To help us by attending the Concert next year or by buying a swag of tickets and encouraging others to attend.

*  To help us with an advertisement for the Concert Programme

*  Offer to serve on our committee.

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