Do you choose Illness or Wellness? By Dr. Sophie Jayamaha

Do you choose Illness or Wellness? By Dr. Sophie Jayamaha

Source : Dæhæna – Monthly e-Newsletter November 2022 – Queensland Sri Lankans

Health and wellness is not just absence of disease, but it is a process of maintaining a good working order. Do you maintain your car to keep it in a good condition so that it doesn’t fail to function suddenly. Needless to say, the most valuable asset you have is not your car even if you own the most valuable car in the world. Your most valuable asset is your body because once it is damaged or fails to function, you can’t get a new model. Just the way you service your car regularly and check oil levels and do other maintenance, your body also requires certain maintenance work.

Lifestyle Medicine is the science of maintaining your body and mind in optimum condition. One has to gain knowledge, develop certain skills and attitudes in order to keep your body healthy. To gain best use out of the articles I write, please read them and gain knowledge. But knowledge alone will not give you results until you start living it by applying the practices into your life. Failing to do that is the number one reason why chronic diseases are increasing worldwide even in the countries with advanced medical care.

The science of Lifestyle Medicine provides us a basis for prescribing appropriate lifestyle changes in the right doses on an individual basis so that you constantly rebuild and repair your body and mind in the same way you service, repair, renovate and maintain your other assets such as your house, car, boat, bicycle etc.

Incorporating lifestyle changes is not as easy as taking a pill, but it will enormously reduce the medical bill because it reduces the need for taking medications and surgical operations.

Lifestyle is about how you move, work, eat, drink, and think. Everyone is unique in the way they live. Therefore, the right dose of lifestyle medicine must be tailored to individual needs. Lifestyle Medical Physicians and Practitioners are trained to help you to build your knowledge, skills and attitudes that are necessary to incorporate positive changes into your lives in the right doses.

Would you rather live unaware of how your lifestyle affects your health and wait for a medical emergency to change your life or willing to change your life to prevent being disable and dying prematurely?


Dr. Sophie Jayamaha


Dr. Sophie Jayamaha, MBBS, DA, FFARCS(i), MBA, FANZCA, DipIBLM, FASLM
Consultant Anaesthetist, Lifestyle Medicine Physician and Life Coach, with special interests in Reversing Chronic
Disease and Workplace Wellness
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