Country band Western Whiskey introduction to Sri Lankan dance goers in Melbourne for their superb Country and Western music. – By Trevine Rodrigo

Country band Western Whiskey introduction to Sri Lankan dance goers in Melbourne for their superb Country and Western music. – By Trevine Rodrigo

Country band Western Whiskey are making giant strides since their recent introduction to Sri Lankan dance goers in Melbourne for their superb Country and Western music. The mostly Indian musicians with promoter and Country maestro Esric Jackson who is actively promoting them, joined forces with keyboard sensation Alejandro Sonny Cajili III from Replay 6 to give dance goers a fabulous night titled, ‘ Christmas in July ‘. As for Christ being born twice in a year is a debatable ‘miracle’ that has not been revealed yet. But the night of fun, great music and a generous smorgasbord dinner made for a great experience that warmed a cold and frosty Melbourne night. One of the highlights of the superb music on offer was the fantastic vocals of Harold Lynch whose cheerful and easy going delivery puts him in the class of legendary Merle Haggard. He teamed up with Esric Jackson, Dwyane D’Cruz and son Shaun Lynch to give dance lovers a cocktail of Country favourites that had the floor packed for most of the night. Western Whiskey will be much sought after for Sri Lankan gigs in the future for sure. 

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