Congratulations! Dr. Lakshman Makandura Beautiful show on Saturday, June 8th, 2024 at 6 pm (Free Admission – bring your family)

Congratulations! Dr. Lakshman Makandura Beautiful show on Saturday, June 8th, 2024 at 6 pm (Free Admission – bring your family)

jayam rutnam elankaCongratulations! to Dr Lakshman Makandura, for planning this show for the benefit and enjoyment of Sri Lankans and Americans living in Southern California. 

I have been to various functions that featured Dr. Makandura, and have enjoyed every minute of them.

Although my command of the Sinhala language, and my ability to understand the lyrics, is limited, the music always brings back memories of the Sri Lanka that I left.

As long as I have known Dr. Makandura, he has promoted and encouraged young people as well as the mature ones, who now continue to flaunt their talents in entertaining, specifically Sinhala music. These individuals have lost any stage fright they may have had, and now showcase their talents with confidence.

Dr. Makandura, of course, shows his leadership and talent in singing Sinhala songs, with ease. I have felt that he not only has a smooth “silky” voice, but he sings with so much passion,  that the response from the audience is that of being immersed and also wanting to partake.

Here is a gentleman, who, as long as I have known him, continues to promote the culture and music of Sri Lanka, in the United States.

I am confident that you will enjoy this show with the backing of “the Rhythm Company.”

I would also like to extend a hearty welcome to Maestro Dr. Victor Rathnayake, who is expected to make a guest appearance.


Jayam Rutnam

Founder President

SLAASC (Founded in 1973)


Dr. Lakshman Makandura

"Ranwan Rayak" show with Malini Fonseka (Please click on arrow)


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