It is on Wednesday the 24th of July, 2019, and tomorrow being “Christmas Day in July”, I felt that a gift, in the shape of a song, should be presented to all my readers, on eLanka,

the leading website for each & every Lankan/Aussie, the Lanka Times Newspaper, in Melbourne, plus Facebook, this fairly “new” platform, that I have clambered upon, if only to keep my faculties in good order, while, at 4 score + 3, my physical being has taken a severe beating, to put it mildly.

     Christmas in July, is also somewhat of a new fad, brought in merely to help this Commercial World of ours, sell more of it’s Merchandise to Customers who are now more affluent (it seems), than ever before, and need, not just two Christmases, but indeed, two Easters as well, to spend all the money that most of them seem to have. 

     I am not too sure about other Countries, but, immediately following Christmas in December, Easter buns and other goodies appear on Supermarket shelves in Australia. This means, of course, that barely have they finished their Christmas fare, they have to bear the brunt of another Happy Easter, followed once more, by Christmas in July. 

In America, whose President swears, is truly the greatest,

Thanksgiving slips in somewhere, as well. When that happens,Turkeys get no peace, because, as we all know, this is one bird that cannot fly. The other, was a Chicken, that most folks in the Ceylon of my time, could only afford on their dinner tables at Christmas in December.

     Before I digress too much, let me get back to Christmas in July. Here’s wishing everyone out there, a very happy Xmas, mid 2019. Please go out and spend some money to help Australia survive, and, may the good Lord bless & keep all of you out there. Your present, from me, is the superb Country song that I have picked especially for you. 

Please listen to Hert Leblanc sing it. I am sure that you will enjoy this version of the song, just as I have done.

Desmond Kelly

  Desmond Kelly.
(Editor-in-Chief)   eLanka.


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