
A.T. Ariyaratne and the Bauddha Jatika Balavegaya (BJB) A.T. Ariyaratne and the Bauddha Jatika Balavegaya (BJB) “I got disillusioned with politics. An idea was born in my mind that a social revolution minus political colouring should be staged. The Sarvodaya Shramadana movement was the outcome of this thinking” A.T. Ariyaratne The passing of A.T. Ariyaratne at the age of 92 years on April 16, 2024 removes from the national scene a colossus that straddled many spheres of local life and singularly gained international recognition for himself and his country to an unimaginable extent. Though small and diminutive in physical size he reached dizzy heights that should inspire the current and future generations to emulate him. A.T. Ariyaratne was an innovative thinker who consistently punched above his weight.   Much has been written of him and much will be written of him in the future. Therefore, I will confine myself in ...

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SUNDAY CHOICE – GOD WATCHES OVER YOU – by Charles Schokman Psalm 121:5-8 NIV 5 The Lord watches over you—the Lord is your shade at your right hand; 6 the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. 7 The Lord will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life; 8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. How many times has God protected you that you didn’t even know about? He stopped that car that should have hit you, stopped the person that wanted to harm you, stopped the trouble before it got to you. You never knew anything about it, but His hand of favour, protection, and mercy was watching after you, keeping you from harm’s way. Sure, we can all find reasons to live afraid, worried, uptight. But when you understand Who’s watching after you, Who’s ordering your steps, Who’s fighting your battles, Who’s holding back the darkness, then ...

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Coca-Cola has announced the appointment of Kaushali Kusumapala as the new Country Director for Sri Lanka and Maldives. Making history as the first Sri Lankan woman in this position, Kaushali succeeds former Country Director, Pankaj Sinha, who assumed the role in 2019. In this position, Kaushali will closely collaborate with bottling teams, customers, partners, consumers and external stakeholders in Sri Lanka and Maldives. With a career spanning back to 2009, Kaushali has garnered diverse experience having worked with organisations and brands such as Leo Burnett, Fonterra Dairy and Domino’s Pizza. Notably, her journey to leadership includes significant achievements at Hemas International, where she served as Director of Marketing, contributing to market entry strategies, international market development and pioneering marketing initiatives. Expressing excitement on her appointment, Kaushali said, “I am thrilled to embark on this journey with Coca-Cola and collaborate with our bottling partners, Coca-Cola Beverages Sri Lanka and Male’ Aerated ...

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Sri Lanka Touch Footy Club in Sydney- Sri Lanka Touch Footy Cup Sydney 2024 – photos and write up by The Brad & Kiara Show The Sri Lanka Touch Footy Club in Sydney organised The Sri Lanka Touch Footy Cup Sydney 2024 which took place on Saturday 20th of April in Sydney’s Samantha Riley Drive Reserve In spite of the cold weather in Sydney the event was well attended & was a resounding success which saw the Sri Lankan community gather in numbers to support their school/ club teams     Click here to view the full set of photos on eLanka Facebook page   Click here to receive your free copy of the eLanka Newsletter twice a week delivered directly to your inbox! ...

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LMD International   Click here to receive your free copy of the eLanka Newsletter twice a week delivered directly to your inbox! ...

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Preserving the Rich Tapestry of Gokkola Patterns: Unveiling the Heritage of Local Art-by Kalani-eLanka Gokkola patterns, woven into the very fabric of Sri Lankan culture, stand as a testament to the rich heritage and artistic prowess of its people. These intricate designs, crafted with meticulous detail and passed down through generations, encapsulate stories of tradition, spirituality, and the vibrant tapestry of local life. In this article, we delve into the mesmerizing world of Gokkola patterns, exploring their history, significance, and enduring legacy in Sri Lankan artistry. The origins of Gokkola patterns can be traced back centuries, deeply rooted in Sri Lanka’s cultural and artistic traditions. Gokkola, or coconut palm leaf, serves as the canvas for these intricate designs, with artisans skillfully weaving together strands to form elaborate patterns. Historically, Gokkola weaving has been a revered craft, practiced by skilled craftsmen who learned the art from their forebears. Initially, these patterns ...

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Janashakthi Life records highest ever PBT of LKR 5.2Bn. 186% growth from last financial year 19th April 2024, Colombo: Janashakthi Life, one of the leading life insurance companies in Sri Lanka, has recorded remarkable growth in profitability for the financial year 2023. Marked by a record profit before tax of LKR 5.2 billion, along with a resounding growth of 201% in profit after tax compared to 2022. This achievement is the highest in the entire history of Janashakthi Life. It underscores the company’s robust financial health and strategic proficiency in navigating market challenges. The key financial indicators, such as a Capital Adequacy Ratio of 272%, a Liquidity Ratio of 3.9 times, an ROE of 27%, Earnings Per Share of LKR 18.25, and LKR 3.4 billion in claim settlements, solidify the prudent financial management from the perspective of all stakeholders. “One of the key factors that contributed to Janashakthi Life’s success ...

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THE SIGIRIYA SAGA  –   THE AFTERMATH – by Bernard VanCuylenburg A poet, writing in the glory days of the Moghul empire in India referred to the Taj Mahal as “..a teardrop on the face of India…” I would go a step further and say that Sigiriya is more than a teardrop. Long after the tears have been shed, it remains a lingering heartache in the psyche and spirit of Sri Lanka and an archaeological treasure where the full gamut of human emotions   – anger, hatred, revenge, greed, murder, and  lust for power, have been played out to the maximum. The events that unfolded on  that fateful day over 1600 years ago still resonate today, which is why Sigiriya is perhaps the most visited historic site in the island. The protagonists in this drama, King Dhatusena, Prince Kasyappa, Prince Moggallana, and the commander of the army Migara ,who was King Dhatusena’s son-in-law are names ...

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{peteriteNET:569}SCHOOL BASKETBALL FINAL-A JOE_PETE AFFAIR Below is the SJC 1966 B-Ball Team. All Island Champions captained by Nihal Wijeratne. Above pic of SJC bball team of 1966.   L to R Tyronne Pieries, Anton Wijendra, Upali Goonewardena, Nihal Wijeratne, Priantha Fonseka, Bernard Rasiah, Vernon Davidson, Rohan Pieries, Graham Ludowyke, Gus Matthew’s, Donald Amerasinghe, Joseph Soyza, & Mahinda Silva (absent Ananda Silva )  Nihal W capt the team in 1966 & we became “All island champs” This team created history when we toured India playing bball against Indian men’s club & state teams. We were the first men’s team to tour overseas. We could not afford air fares, we travelled by ferry! What an experience that was.  Vernon St. Peter’s College Old Boys’ Union, Colombo 4, Sri Lanka. This e-mail network is the official e-mail network of St. Peter’s College Old Boys’ Union and is open to all old Peterites located ...

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NOEL NEWS He is terribly afraid of dying because he hasn’t yet lived.  FRANZ KAFKA Welcome to our April newsletter. First of all, let me thank you for your overwhelming support of my new book. Orders have been coming in non-stop, and I’m humbled by your confidence in me by buying a product yet unseen. It’s a fairly big book – 350 pages – with a wealth of information. Friends who have read the proofs have all been very impressed and particularly like the simple language and how well the book is set out. Buy Now The printing process has been much quicker than we thought and the books have now arrived at our distribution centre in Brisbane for posting.This means you should have your orders within 14 days, but let’s plan on 30 April to allow for delays in the post. If you haven’t received it by that date, ...

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