
Sri Lankans worried by Indian bottom trawling’s ‘fishtail effect’-by Samantha Perera Source:Dailymirror The graveyard of seized Indian fishing trawlers (Pix by Samantha Perera ) Individuals arriving in Indian fishing trawlers not only steal the rich-fish harvest of Sri Lankans, but also dangerously damage the marine environment Sri Lankan fishermen claim that when a couple of hundred Indian boats arrive they are unable to fight or resist them Calls are made by the Sri Lankan fishing community for the authorities to pay attention to the severe environment pollution being created by bottom trawling activities It is no secret that one of the chief entry points for drugs to Sri Lanka is via the sea routes connecting Talaimannar and Northern ports Sri Lanka has been subjected to numerous foreign invasions since the beginning of its recorded history. Compared to the Portuguese, Dutch and English, the engagement with India, the island’s closest neighbour, ...

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A BRITISH COLONIAL IN CEYLON THE LIFE OF GARRY SHATTOCK. – By HUGH KARUNANAYAKE Edgar Charles Evan Shattock  known to family and friends as Garry, was born to a family long associated with Ceylon “s Mercantile Sector.  Lee Hedges and Co founded in 1857 by WD Lee and JR Hedges was a plantation management company By 1880 the brother of the founding partner GAM Hedges became the sold partner. In 1896 Ernest Mark Shattock was taken as a partner of the firm.and by 1911 he was the sole partner having acquired the interests of his co-partner A.A. Hankey. Ernest Mark Shattock   married  Mabel, the daughter of Evan Byrde of the Ceylon Civil Service, a man reputed for his proficiency in the Sinhalese language.  Mabel and Ernest lived in Colombo where through 15 years the couple had six children of whom Garry was the youngest. The children were educated partly in ...

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Happy Mother’s Day. – By Noor Rahim Always remember your Mother in every loving way Not just on “Mother’s Day”; but on every day of the year For she who conceived you and carried you all the way Enabling you, to one day, see the light of the day She did continue tending to your needs, as is the way Of all Mothers; with such loving and tender care  Teaching you and guiding you in all life’s ways Until it is time for you to fend for yourself in the worldly ways Mother’s Day is commercialized, no doubt, one can say But like inaugurating a New Year with gusto and sway Let’s use “Mother’s Day” to kindle our love for our Mothers in every way And continue this lifelong love, for the one who brought us to life, to forever stay Noor Rahim 2nd May 2019 ...

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The Brad and Kiara Show Podcast – 2024-5-4 Source : omny A lifestyle radio show that connects with your community and focuses on topics that you can relate to, a little bit of this and a little bit of that with a real Sri Lankan touch – Anything and everything goes on The Brad & Kiara Show – Tune in Saturday Mornings 7-8 right here on Triple H 100.1 FM      Click here to receive your free copy of the eLanka Newsletter twice a week delivered directly to your inbox! ...

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“The Thyroid Gland: A Key Player in Your Body’s Health” – By Dr Harold Gunatillake A 72-year-old woman with “fluttering of the heart.” had vague chest discomfort on climbing stairs An 80-year-old man with severe constipation, falls asleep often. A 65-year-old woman who has lost strength in her legs, causing difficulty in climbing stairs; she has recently lost 15 lbs despite an excellent appetite A 75-year-old woman who has developed difficulty swallowing and a dry cough, accompanied by hoarseness, weight gain, and dry, itchy skin A 78-year-old man with hearing loss An 84-year-old woman with a hand tremor has caused her to give up her favourite activities. She is so depressed that she will not eat, and she has lost 12 lbs in the last 4 months. Now, all of these patients have abnormal functions in their thyroid glands. Either they secrete too much of the thyroxine hormone manufactured ...

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SUNDAY CHOICE – Tell me why? – By Charles Schokman I was recently browsing through my “Saved Documents” File to realised it was on the 3rd May 2009, (15 years ago) that I first commence forwarding weekly Christian messages & hymns to my contacts under the caption SUNDAY CHOICE. The first message related to Matthew19:14 KJV- “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” It also referred to an article written by Fr. Terence posing the question- Tell me why? that focussed on children in the war ravaged Vanni, Sri Lanka. Click on attachment. Looking back through the changing scenes of life for the past 15 years there is much to be desired, the world is still in a pretty mess.  When you switch your TV on to watch and listen to the news you are often exposed to the atrocities of war such as those ...

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BUDDHI VITHANARACHCHI a true icon in mass media, electronic, radio, television, daring broadcaster in his own inimitable elegance had remedied many flaws to emerge triumphantly – By Sunil Thenabadu To many, details of Buddhdasa Vithanarachchi in his influence to theatre, mini screen and cinema are well known but details of his ancestral Kegalla village, his education, his contribution to the mass media are very much less known. In an interview he had with the presenter of Lines and Beyond channel Janaka Kumbukage, Buddhadasa had disclosed many facts which had not been recognized by many. Some of the excerpts are appended below. Though not a member of any political party having used his franchise at all elections for fifty five years since he was eighteen years old has had all times poise to select to vote by reading the election manifestos of all parties carefully before casting his vote. However out ...

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Exploring the Allure of Street Fruit Achcharu-By Kalani-eLanka In the bustling streets of Sri Lanka, amidst the chatter of vendors and the aroma of spices, one can find a delightful treat that embodies the essence of the island’s culinary culture: street fruit achcharu. This tantalizing concoction of fresh fruits marinated in a symphony of spices and flavors offers a sensory journey like no other. Join me as we delve into the vibrant world of street fruit achcharu and uncover the secrets behind its irresistible appeal. Street fruit achcharu, a beloved fixture of Sri Lankan street food scene, is a vibrant medley of tropical fruits transformed into a mouthwatering delicacy. From ripe mangoes and tangy pineapples to crunchy carrots and crisp cucumbers, the fruits are carefully selected to create a harmonious blend of flavors and textures. What sets street fruit achcharu apart is its unique marinade—a bold fusion of vinegar, chili ...

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