
Benefits Of Drinking Wine By Dr Harold Gunatillake Health Writer Drinking a small quantity of alcohol daily, especially the wines, may be associated with an increase in life expectancy in middle-aged men.In the Copenhagen studies, it was revealed that the French lived a long life by enjoying a glass or two of red wine daily with their meals. Drinking water after meals is less common among the French, and the theory that one should drink six glasses of water daily does not stand to reason as far as the French are concerned. ...

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Says presidential poll 2015 was David-Goliath fight The Daily FT spoke with UNP Working Committee Member, Media Director and Political Strategist for the Opposition, Krishantha Cooray about what led to the fall of a seemingly-invincible President Mahinda Rajapaksa and what the new political regime in the country under President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe could herald for Sri Lanka’s beleaguered and suppressed media fraternity. Following are excerpts:   UNP Working Committee Member, Media Director and Political Strategist for the Opposition, Krishantha Cooray Q Why did Mahinda Rajapaksa lose the election? A: When I used to tell people that Mahinda Rajapaksa would never serve a third term in office, they would laugh in my face. But this election proved me right. The signs were all there that the incumbent was outplaying his hand and the forces of opposition against him were becoming unstoppable and they were only waiting for ...

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Iron (chemical symbol Fe) is a mineral an essential nutrient, with important roles in our body, the main task being to carry oxygen from the inhaled air in the lungs, to every cell in the body for its metabolic activities. It regulates cell growth and very essential for the growing children. If insufficient iron is taken it may limit oxygen transport to cells, resulting in decreased immunity, fatigue, tired and may hinder your normal activities during the day. Women during the menstrual phase tend to lose more iron from the body, become pale, tired, and may need to check their iron levels in the blood. Athletes seem to lose iron from the body pretty fast, and supplementation is required. ...

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FAMOUS FIRSTS OF THE PAST STUDENTS OF WESLEY COLLEGE AT COLOMBO, SRI LANKA. WESLEY has gained quite a reputation for producing many “FIRSTS” in all walks of life.The Editors have compiled the following list and sincerely regret any omissions. Wesley is indeed very proud to have produced (I) The first Ceylonese Governor General Sir OE Goonetilleke (2) The first High Commissioner to U.K. Sir Oliver Goonetilleke (3) The first Ceylonese Auditor General Sir OE Goonetilleke (4) The first Leader of the Senate Sir OE Goonetilleke (5) The first High -Commissioner to U.S.A. Sir Claude Corea Sir Claude Corea (right) with the Prime Minister of Ceylon Sir John Kotelawala and Viscount Soulbury (6) The first High Commissioner to India Mr. M. W. H. de Silva. M.W.H. De Silva was a Kings Counsel and a leading lawyer in Colombo (7) The first Ceylonese Leader of the State Council Sir Don Baron Jayatilaka ...

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Upheaval in Asia, post World War II World War II (the War) ended in August 1945.  For nearly six years the world was thrown into hitherto unseen turmoil and carnage, culminating in decimation at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  The United States of America emerged from the War relatively unscathed.  Other than the bombing of Pearl Harbour, the war was not fought in the United States or its Territories.  Europe was badly battle scarred and had to redraw its boundaries and reconstruct as a first priority.  But more so than anywhere else, the big picture was soon to change radically in Greater Asia.  In 1947, India gained Independence from Britain.  Very early in the next year, Sri Lanka followed attaining independent status on 4th February 1948.  Singapore and Malaysia were now free of Japanese occupation and moving towards greater self-government and independence from Britain.  Indonesia unilaterally declared independence after nearly 300 years ...

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It was a Friday afternoon in 3 mills studio east London. I was queuing up for the opening round of auditions for London 2012 opening ceremony cast. I was excited! but I had no clue what laid ahead. I looked at the programme details and it said each volunteer is expected to dedicate at least 150 hours for rehearsals, spans over 15 weeks. This is not very attractive to a busy Londoner and I asked myself, is it worth it? Well Yes it was!! London 2012 Olympic opening ceremony was a spectacular success and it opened the XXX Olympiad to the world and billions of people got a glimpse of my bowling and appealing!!! ...

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In just a few days the most spectacular and stupendous sports extravaganza – the Games of the XXXth Olympiad – will be held in the City of London, from July 27 thru to August 12, 2012. The 400 meters Hurdles final in progress at the 1948 London Olympics. Duncan White is second from left. This is the third occasion the Olympic Games will be held in the City of London. The first was in 1908 and the second was in 1948. The 1948 Games of the XIXth Olympiad was of significant importance to Sri Lanka as it was the year that Ceylon, as it was known then, obtained Independence from the British Empire. At this Games Ceylon was blessed with an Olympic Silver medal by Duncan White as a reward for this accomplishment of gaining Independence to the country. ...

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Story by Mark Zeigler (ref: ) Wednesday, July 25, 2012 LONDON — Christine Sonali Merrill was born in Bakersfield and attended tiny Bakersfield Christian High, which at the time operated the school out of a church. It had no running track, and no track team. ...

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