
In Sunday Leader Organic Foods The Way To Go By Dr Harold Gunatillake Health Writer We all know that conventional farmers cannot grow agricultural plants on mass scale without using pesticides and other chemical sprays at intervals until harvested, to prevent pests from destroying the yield and attacking the leaves. You are well aware that wheat growers use pesticides on beds even before seeds are sewn on them. Pre-harvest application of the herbicides containing deadly active ingredient glyphosate is sprayed as a desiccant (drying agent) 7-10 days before harvest within the conventional farming community. According to Dr. Stephanie Seneff of MIT who presented a paper on the subject at a nutritional Conference in Indianapolis, desiccating non-organic wheat crops with glyphosate just before harvest came into vogue late in the 1990’s with the result that most of the non-organic wheat in the United States is now contaminated with it. Seneff explains ...

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Gradient Alliance News Bulletin – August 2015 Economic News Moodys gives newly elected government a thumb’s up. JICA to boost SL’s power sector with a Rs.26bn loan. Declining exports cause trade deficit in June expand. Constant policy changes affect construction industry. ASPI closes at 7,306.94 in August (-0.3% MoM). Business News Tourist arrivals in July up 31.2% YoY to 175,804. Vehicle reg. up 85.7% YoY in July on 3 wheelers and cars. Go slow trade union action impacts June tea prodn Business confidence index in July at 154 (-5 pts MoM). Consumer News Nielsen consumer confidence index at 78 in July (-1ptMoM). Deflation continues as CCPI declines 0.2% YoY in August. “FMCG growth in general trade slowing”: Nielsen Gradient Alliance News Bulletin – August 2015 ...

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Eating Fried Food is Unhealthy By Dr. Harold Gunatilake   Sri Lankans prefer to consume fried foods to others. Just walk through the corridors of any condominium unit in Colombo about mid-day, and you’ll experience the most appetising smells of fried food emanating from the pantry windows. Starting from onions dried chillies to cumin seeds everything seems to be fried in vegetable oils before adding on the main ingredients like meat, fish, vegies, among others Biriyani and Lumprai purchased from road-side hot food outlets with less cooking traditional plain rice and curry seem to be the staple foods for lunch or dinner in most homes. The taste buds when accustomed to fried foods demand more, and you tend to eat more, and go for it daily. It is this calorie- dense fried food that causes the big bellies so prominently visible among most men and women in the cities. Sri ...

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Health benefits Of Soy Products Are They Beneficial As Recommended? By Dr Harold Gunatillake Soy base food products are supposed to have many health benefits. These benefits are attributed to the high content of iso-flavones, a type of plant-made oestrogen, also referred to as phyto-oestrogens present in the soy beans. The food industry researches say that it is rich in proteins and other important nutrients, and it makes a valuable contribution to a healthy diet, especially recommended for the vegans. These phyto-oestrogens seem to lower the blood cholesterol, calm hot flushes among menopausal ladies, prevent breast and prostate cancer, helps in losing weight, and prevents osteoporosis, among other benefits. Studies did show that soy protein lowered bad (LDL) cholesterol levels in blood. They have low levels of saturated fat and cholesterol, and as such believed to be associated with improved cardiovascular health. These controlled studies revealed that you need to ...

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NSB profits soar to Rs. 6.2 b in first half National Savings Bank (NSB) recorded the highest half yearly profits in its history with an impressive Profit Before Tax (PBT) growth of 68% as compared to same period last year. The profitability for the first half for 2015 reached Rs. 6.2 billion with the increase mainly fuelled by growth in its traditional lines of business. The Profit After Tax (PAT) was reported at Rs. 3.9 billion for the first half of 2015. These profits were reported following prudent provisioning policies adopted for any adverse impact on declining gold market prices. The Bank’s Loans and Advances grew by 6.9% during this period with investments in Government Securities increasing up to Rs. 519 billion. The total assets of the Bank surpassed the Rs. 800 billion milestone by end of June indicating a growth of 4.7%. A concerted effort to aggressively mobilize deposits ...

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Studies have shown that keeping a normal blood pressure reading is important to prevent stroke and heart disease. The importance is far beyond as all parts of the body depends on the circulation for their nutrients antioxidants and oxygen. Many organs can suffer from the impact of untreated high blood pressure. Brain seems to be at greatest risk with both low and high blood pressures. Memory loss In Alzheimer’s disease we know that there is memory loss. Even without AD one could get memory loss with continued untreated high blood pressure, and it takes a severe toll on the ageing brains. ...

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