
Polyphenols – Lifespan Essentials By Dr Harold Gunatillake Health Writer Polyphenols have recently been termed “lifespan essentials”, and they actively participate in the body to prevent diseases from occurring. Polyphenols are antioxidants from plant foods that work in the body to enhance health in complex ways, and as such they are not simply antioxidants. Their specific health-promoting actions are still being actively researched, and it is generally recognized that they can reduce the risk factors for cardiovascular disease and basically help to protect many body systems from the risks or ravages of many types of chronic disease. Boosting one’s intake of antioxidant polyphenols on a daily basis is easy to do, and can be a tasty, gourmet adventure. ...

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Mum hopes to share her knowledge of embroidery October 27, sildenafil 2015 12:00pm Vanessa BradburyRouse Hill Times Stanhope Gardens homepreneur Daisy Vittachi has just started her own embroidery business from home. DAISY Vittachi has always put her children first. The Sri Lankan mother of two, moved to Australia eight months ago with husband Gordon to be closer to her adult daughter and son. With a doctorate in social services, she gave up a busy lifestyle, which saw her teaching people how to ­embroider as part of therapy in her home country. Now residing in Stanhope Gardens with her daughter, Mrs Vittachi is itching to get back into the embroidery scene. “I have been doing ­embroidery for 25 years,’’ she said. “It is so good for your mind and is very relaxing, which is why it is good therapy.” Not one to sit around and let the world pass her by, ...

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In Sunday leader What Are Gluten Free Foods And Their Benefits? By Dr Harold Gunatillake Health Writer Gluten from Latin means glue. It is a protein found in wheat and other grains including in barley, rye and a cross between wheat and rye called triticale. It is the gluten composite that makes wheat flour into dough by mixing it with salt, yeast, water and oil. This could be moulded into a ball to make baked food, such as bread, roti and so on because gluten gives elasticity to dough. One cannot mould rice flour into dough because of the absence of gluten in it. Rice and maize too have stored gluten but their proteins differ from true gluten… You could make batter with rice flour to make hoppers, string-hoppers and other Asian treats. The batter is semi-liquid and has no elastic property like dough. Gluten is a composite of two ...

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In Sunday leader Why Eat Cheese By Dr Harold Gunatillake Health Writer Cheese is an ancient food that origins predate recorded history.Did the caveman eat cheese? Dairy did not even play a factor in the human diet until early Europeans began domesticating cattle for about 10, 000 years ago, and cave man would not be aware of enjoying a piece of cheese in their diet. Cheese is a dairy product prepared from pressed milk curds. There are un-ripened fresh cheeses and ripened old cheeses of more than 300 varieties. Cheese contains a host of nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium vitamin A, riboflavin, and B12 among others. Cheese contains additional nutrients like zinc and biotin. Zinc has several functions in the body: It aids in tissue growth and repair, prevents and treats macular degeneration, protects your skin, and helps keep your nails strong. Both zinc and biotin are also important ...

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Rev. Fr. Dr. Peter A Pillai OMI Apostle of Social Justice by Stanley E. Abeynayake Peter Alcantara Pillai was born on 19th October, 1904 at Wennappuwa. His parents Jacob and Anna Pillai, school teachers hailed from Kayts, Jaffna. His schooling began in his mother tongue Tamil in the school where his parents were teachers. Later he joined St. Benedict’s College, Kotahena, Colombo at the age of nine years. In 1918 he passed the Cambridge Junior with eight distinctions. He was then only 14 years. He passed the Cambridge Senior at the age of 16 years in 1920 also with eight distinctions becoming the first in the whole of the British Empire. Subsequently he became an undergraduate of the then University College of Colombo and obtained the BSc degree with a first class in 1923. In the next year, 1924, he also got through the BSc Hons Mathematics in the first ...

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SriLankan bags an Airline Oscar SriLankan Airlines receives the prestigious APEX award for Superior Achievement in Passenger Experience– Asia Pacific Region. Colombo October 8, 2015:SriLankan Airlines was awarded theSuperior Achievement in Passenger Experience-Asia Pacific Region, at the APEX Awards– 2015 held in Oregon – USA,in what most consider to bethe Oscars of the Airline world. The global awardpresented to SriLankan Airlines, recognizes a remarkable surge in improvements made to Passenger Experiences both on-board and on-ground by the airline. It became SriLankan Airlines’ moment of glory whenthe airline’s amiable Director/ CEO Rakhita Jayawardena, was invited to make a special inspirational key note presentationas the opener to the awards night. He impressed and captivated attendees from airlines the world over with a storied account of his vision for the national carrier. “Today, we witness key touch points along the passenger journey quickly disappearing,” he began. Tickets are purchased through a computer, check-in ...

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Sunday Leader Dancing For Health And Pleasure By Dr Harold Gunatillake Health Writer For centuries, western civilisations have lauded benefits of dancing as a physical exercise for burning calories from your body. Recently, a research has shown that dancing provides health benefits, such as stress reduction and increase in serotonin level, and adrenal pump. Dancing also makes you smarter, by stimulating your mind. It helps couples keep their minds active to prevent or delay Alzheimer’s disease. It also helps balancing cognitive acuity among the elderly. Your weight bearing long bones seem to get stronger and denser with activities like dancing. Mental acuity with dancing A study of senior citizens, 75 and older, was led by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, funded by the National Institute on Ageing, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The researchers of the study wanted to see if ...

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