
BIRTHDAY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT – Charles Schokman Charles Schokman who celebrated his 95th birthday on the 24th February thank all those for their congratulatory messages forwarded either by mail, email, facebook or by phoning him. He appreciates their sentiments and well wishes. His family took him out for lunch to enjoy seafood in a hands on way at “The Boiling Crab” Glen Waverley. He loved it and had a great time. ...

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SINGING QUEEN WITH UNPARALEL LINEAGE RUVINIE DUNUWILLE REMINISCED – By Sunil Thenabadu Ruvinie Dunuwille was born to a distinguished-up-country high-class family with unprecedented lineage on Dec 17 1964.Her father’s Loku Amma her grandma Molly Dunuwille was married to Hon, DS Senanayake which is ample testimony to the unparallel lineage of her family. She had studied at Matale BMS College. She has not had any hereditary affiliations to any kind of art but only innate talent.. While in school she had won first place for singing when she was very young. Her passion for music had begun when she was at the tender age of only seven years. She had been initially dreadfully inspired by Indrani Perera’s everlasting hit song ‘Dilhani Duwanee’. She had sung initially sung this particular song in a musical contest adjudicated by a panel consisting of veteran musicians Narada Dissasekera and Rohana Beddage where she was adjudicated as the ...

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New Diving Centre at Port City – By Admiral  Ravindra Chandrasiri Wijegunaratne New Diving Centre opened by former Navy Commander Admiral Piyal De Silva at Port City, Colombo  Please visit there to do snorkeling  at World longest Artificial Coral reefs ( coral reef replanted personally by Piyal for years along Port city breakwater inner side – so you can dive/ snorkel in both monsoons ) or watch beautiful Sunset or angling just before sunrise- new teed in angling – catch – weigh- photograph- release ; to protect the fish breed and environment. Please tell your friends it is not required to go to down South or to Eastern area to do these activities !  Just drive  into Port City !  Help Piyal to protect environment and appropriate his life- long effort without any publicity !  ENJOY THE UNDERWATER BEAUTY AND PROTECT THE WORLD  OF BEAUTY UNDERWATER !  Former US President Bill Clinton ...

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TRIBUTE TO ACKIEL OUSMAND: A legacy of Love, Community Service, and Commitment to Excellence! – By Upali Obeyesekere reporting from Toronto, Canada Life is impermanent, but death is permanent! Ackiel Ousmand – A life well lived on this earth! Ackiel’s beloved family, large coterie of friends and relatives must reluctantly accept that Ackiel has left us for good and will not come back. My thoughts of Ackiel are that of a warm hearted, friendly, and a committed human being. He was a trailblazer who made his presence felt to this world in many ways. In the twenty-five years he lived in Toronto, Ackiel was a mover and shaker in the Sri Lankan-Canadian community and served in numerous capacities in many socio-cultural organizations. By extension, he was an asset to Sri Lankan diplomats in Ottawa and Toronto who sought his assistance on community matters. Albert Einstein’s quote “The only thing we can count ...

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Sri Lanka’s Street Food Delight: Bombai Motai-by Kalani-eLanka   In the bustling streets of Sri Lanka, amidst the colorful chaos and vibrant energy, one can find a treasure trove of culinary delights. Among these, Bombai Motai stands out as a beloved street food, captivating locals and visitors alike with its unique flavors and aromas. Join us on a culinary journey as we uncover the secrets and savors of this iconic Sri Lankan snack. Bombai Motai, also known as “Bombay Mix” or “Mixture,” has its origins deeply rooted in Sri Lanka’s cultural heritage. Influenced by the island nation’s historical ties with South India and other regions, this savory snack has evolved over time, blending traditional ingredients with exotic spices to create a culinary masterpiece that reflects the diversity of Sri Lankan cuisine. ...

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Uva Highlands Estate Source:Sri Lankan Planters (SLP) Official FB page Uva Highlands Estate is situated in Bandarawela, at an elevation of 1,250 metres above sea level and is said to have originally been planted in 1915. This estate has been producing high quality seasonal teas consistently which has made the ‘Uva Highlands’ mark synonymous with the uva quality season. Uva Uva is Sri Lanka’s remotest province. Though not far from Kandy or Nuwara Eliya as the crow flies, access to its provincial capital, Badulla, is only possible over steep, winding mountain roads. To get there from Colombo, one has to drive inland, then skirt nearly the entire southern half of the island’s central massif before turning north and ascending into the hills. Access from Sri Lanka’s other major urban centers, most of which lie on the coast, is equally difficult. In early British times a journey from Colombo to Badulla ...

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Rising prices spark struggle to feed children-by Buwanaka S. Perera Source:Ceylontoday The economic crisis of 2022 marked the most severe downturn Sri Lanka experienced since gaining independence. It ushered in widespread price hikes across various essentials, including vital medicines, school supplies, fuel and a slew of taxes. With food inflation skyrocketing to an unprecedented 95%, the crisis profoundly impacted food prices and the nation’s food security.  The policy banning chemical fertilisers, imposed by the ousted President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, exacerbated the agricultural sector’s woes, leading to consecutive harvest failures with yields plummeting by over 50%, further undermining Sri Lanka’s food security. As access to food dwindled, foreign reserves depleted and the government defaulted on foreign debts, many ordinary Sri Lankans struggled to secure three meals a day, with children bearing the brunt of the crisis. Has the situation changed in 2024? According to a recent report by the World Food Program ...

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Conquering Sri Pada Three Times in 24 hrs   Source:Ceylontoday Retired Naval Officer Rear Admiral Princely Liyanage has once again demonstrated his remarkable endurance and determination by achieving a feat few dare to attempt.  On 15 February 2024, Rear Admiral Liyanage embarked on a daring adventure to climb Sri Pada not just once, but three times, conquering the mountain from three different routes within an astonishing 24-hour timeframe. Liyanage’s journey began at the break of dawn, leaving his residence in Panadura at 4:45 a.m. and arriving at Palabaddala by 7:00 a.m. With steely resolve, he commenced his first ascent at 7:27 a.m., braving the elements and the challenging terrain. Despite encountering cold weather in the morning and scorching sunshine during mid-day, he persevered, facing unexpected rain showers as he neared his destination.  ...

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Drums of Devotion-by Pooja Ranasinghe Colombo’s dazzling Gangaramaya Navam Maha Perahera celebrates community spirit Source:Dailynews Gangaramaya Maha Viharaya, situated in the heart of Colombo, has served a preeminent role in society, memories of which will be evoked in any reader. On the one hand the Navam Maha Perahera and the ‘Buddha Rashmi Vesak Zone’ provide an opportunity for the communities to unite in celebration. On the other hand, the Jinarathana Technical College and the Kataragama Retirement Hall offer continuous service to society. The strength behind these accomplishments is the Chief Incumbent of the Gangaramaya Maha Viharaya, Venerable Galboda Sri Gnanissara Maha Thera, who is fondly known among the lay followers as Podi Hamuduruwo. Moreover, the support given by the community of monks led by the Deputy Incumbent of the Gangaramaya Maha Viharaya, Ven. Dr. Kirinde Assaji Thera has tremendously facilitated its journey to success. The student monks’ continuous commitment with ...

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