Niranjan Selvadurai

Colours of Unity – By – Niranjan Selvadurai Two men, one white and one black, Locked in battle, then dying on a track. Creed and shade, mere illusions spun, For blood that flowed had colours one.   In humanity’s tapestry, threads entwine,  Black, white, and shades, both yours and mine.  Let love be our anthem, kindness our creed,  For in unity’s embrace, all hearts shall heed.   Colours of unity, woven in grace,  Mother’s milk nurtures every race, Father, daughter, son, and kin,  Our bond transcends mere skin.   As the world spins with stories still untold, Let compassion be our compass, loyal and bold. When life’s journey done, and the distance run, Rejoice that we were diverse, yet truly one.  – Niranjan Selvadurai – Reflection: The month of July is significant. NAIDOC Week falls in July. Its purpose is to recognize and honour the history, culture, and achievements of ...

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Celebrating Vesak – By Niranjan Selvadurai Vesak holds a profound significance for over 500 million Buddhists scattered around the globe, as a time to celebrate the life, teachings, and spiritual legacy of Gautama Buddha. Falling on the day of the full moon during the month of May, Vesak commemorates the birth, the awakening (Bodhi), and the passing away (Parinirvana) of Siddhartha Gautama who is referred to as the Buddha – “the awakened one.” Siddhartha Gautama was born in Lumbini, current Nepal, around 563 BCE. At the age of 35 he realised his awakening under a Bo tree in Gaya, India. At the age of 80 he passed away in Kusinara, India. This symbolised his final liberation from the cycle of birth and death known as samsara. All three events took place on the Vesak full moon day. After his awakening, the Buddha spent the next 45 years teaching the Dharma ...

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“Those Mother and Child Moments” – A Mother’s Day reflection -By Niranjan Selvadurai Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate the unique and irreplaceable bond between a mother and her child. Remembering those wonderful and poignant moments spent together evokes feelings of nostalgia and brings back fond memories of laughter, love, and shared experiences. Sri Lankan author and poet Sri Chandrarathne Manawasinghe, immortalized a mother and child moment is his Sinhala song “Monawada amme akuru jathiyak.” This song was first recorded as a “gramophone record,” during the 1950s. The song captures a conversation between a mother and her little son. The son in his innocence seeks explanations to delightful observations in nature. The mother responds with much imagination and poise.   This conversation should not be limited to those who comprehend Sinhala verse. This is my attempt to provide a universal poetic interpretation of this magical conversation, to English readers. ...

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Success – By Niranjan Selvadurai I raced up the mountain looking for you So many others were running up too To be the first and to be the best From childhood we train for this test   I went past many in my haste Some seemed tired some seemed dazed But reaching that summit was my solitary aim My unerring shot at wealth and fame   As slopes grew steeper less climbers I saw Many a fallen comrade on the mountain floor But if I fall back I must take the blame I thought I knew the rules of this game   Finally, I did conquer the mountain peak There your welcoming presence I seek  But the top was barren where no flowers bloom And you were nowhere, just the misty gloom   So where else could I venture from there? Need for that descending trek was clear But there ...

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