Michael Roberts

Glenn Maxwell’s Puja in Sachin’s Presence-by Michael Roberts Source:Thuppahis After a remarkable feat of batsmanship on one leg that brought him 200 runs and secured an Australian victory against Afghanistan at the World Cup match in Mumbai, Glenn Maxwell went on his knees in puja to the all-time Indian great Sachin Tendulkar ……     Such an Asian mode of respect is not surprising because he is married to an Indian lady. AND THIS DEBATE among Sri Lankan cricketing aficianados: A = Comment from Lorenz Pereira in Melbounre, circa 9 Nov 2023: When Sachin Tendulkar came to congratulate Glen Maxwell @ da Wankhede ground, da great Maxwell bowed down & touched da feet of the legend & sought his blessings. One of da Greatest moments in da history of Cricket. Salute to these legendry Cricketers.  B= Response from Richard Hermon in Melbourne: “Agree Completely Lorenz !! Something that has been missing in sport ,and ...

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A Campaign Against Sledging & Intimidation on the Cricket Field-by Michael Roberts Source:Thuppahis My upbringing was heavily impregnated with cricket and its sporting values. The practices of sledging and verbal one-upmanship in order to unsettle batsmen was simply unthinkable to those so nourished. When Sri Lanka’s team under Arjuna Ranatunga had a prolonged tour of Australia in 187, they happened to spend a lot of time in Adelaide.  I was introduced to Arjuna and Ruwan Kalpage at a dinner at the house of Tilak Gunasekera (alas not more with us) and his wife Dawn (nee Buultjens). There I received first-hand tales of the degree to which Australian cricket was, so to speak, impregnated with the sledging form of one-upmanship. My distaste for this type of activity was deepened when I witnessed the pressures directed at the Sri Lankan cricket team touring Australia in 1995/96 — this time by some of the umpires ...

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Shakib has Sullied the Spirit of Cricket – By Michael Roberts Source : thuppahis In my experience from the late 1960s  Errol Fernando of Trinity College & Peradeniya University was the fairest of men and one possessing considerable acumen (besides virtuoso fingers at organ and piano) …… Errol Fernando to Lawrence Heyn, 6 November 2023 Dear Lawrence, Am I allowed to say that the ONLY game that has this thing called ‘Spirit’ is CRICKET?  May I add that all other games merely have ‘rules’ but no spirit. Is there a spirit of rugby, golf, football, tennis  –  even gudu or marbles ? Cricket has rules, of course, but what makes cricket the ‘greatest’ of games is that spirit that is far more important than rules. Anyone who disagrees with this should not be playing cricket. Alex Carey infamously  abused the spirit at Lord’s. I am more than happy to say that Carey should not be ...

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Ruvendrini Menikdiwela in Key UNHCR Role – By Michael Roberts Source : thuppahis News Item: “Secretary-General appoints Ms. Ruvendrini Menikdiwela of Sri Lanka as Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)” United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced today the appointment of Ruvendrini Menikdiwela of Sri Lanka as Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).  Ms. Menikdiwela will succeed Gillian Triggs of Australia, to whom both the Secretary-General and the High Commissioner for Refugees are grateful for her dedicated service to the refugee cause. Ms. Menikdiwela, who currently serves as the Director in UNHCR’s New York Office, brings to the position several decades of professional experience working with and for refugees in UNHCR, including as UNHCR’s Representative in Pakistan and in Thailand.  She also held a number of other critical legal posts during her long career with ...

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Burgher Tennis Club in Galle, circa 1928-by Michael Roberts Source:Thuppahis Left to right – Standing: Messrs R. W. E. de Vos, Vyvil Loudowyk, Fred Bastiansz, E. F. C. Ludowyk Jnr., R. A. de Vos, Bubsy Austin, E. F. C. Ludowyk Snr, W. Colin-Thomé, Dudley de Kretser, Arthur Arndt, Bertie Toussaint Seated: Miss Mina de Vos, Miss E. Koch, Mrs Glen Altendorf, Mrs Bertie Joseph, Mrs R. A. de Vos, Mrs Bertie Toussaint, Miss Rita Kale, Mrs E. F. C. Ludowyk, Mrs W. Colin-Thomé, Mrs Dudley de Kretser, Mrs Bessie Bartholomeusz, Seated on ground: Earnleigh de Krester, Miss Owen Ludowyk, Miss Ina de Zilwa, Miss Mabel Arndt, Miss Mavis Ludowyk, Miss Dagmar Toussaint, Francis Toussaint. A NOTE: I discovered this photograph mounted on cardboard in my Mss depository. I could not recollect how I got it but on my recent trip to Sri Lanka David Colin-Thome informed me that his mother ...

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The Unity in A Contradiction Over Time: Top Dog Bullying in Cricket-by Michael Roberts Source:Thuppahis Michael Roberts in Email Chat with Errol Fernando, 3 November 2023: “Indian Cricketers Today Emulate the Aussies of Yesterday” Mike Roberts:  responding to a cricketing point made by Errol Fernando, on 3 November 2023, re some unplayable balls produced by the Indian pacemen in the World Cup Match at Mumbai on 2nd November 2023 “I agree with you about some of the UNPLAYABLE BALLS, Errol; BUT MY FOCUS HOWEVER IS GOING TO BE on * Mohmmed Siraj’s threatening verbals. ...

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“Corridors of Time” Painting Exhibition at Lionel Wendt, Colombo-by Michael Roberts Source:Thuppahis Corridors of Time – Artistic Narratives of Heritage and Nature …. at … the  Harold Peiris Gallery at the Lionel Wendt,  Col-7 ,,, Opening: 2nd November 2023 @ 6pm …. continuing from 3rd-5th November …  with Paintings from Royden Gibbs & Joseph Rodrigo About the Artists: Royden Gibbs is one of the senior-most contemporary artists in Sri Lanka and is known internationally with a career spanning six decades. He is best known for his watercolours on historical sites and landscapes, but is equally versatile in many other media such as oils, pastels, ink, line and wash, to mention a few, and is proficient in a wide variety of subjects from still life, figures, portraits, wildlife, to landscapes and buildings. With a deep connection to Sri Lanka’s cultural heritage, his works often explore themes of conserving tradition and history. Joseph Rodrigo is an artist/advertising creative director. ...

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Remembering Percy Abeysekera: Lanka’s Cricketing Flagbearer-by Michael Roberts   Source:Thuppahis Percy Abeysekera has passed away recently …. carrying the Sri Lankan flag and reams of cricketing memories with him to an abode in the skies: memories that encompassed at least 70-72 years of cricketing cheer. Yes, that long a span. To me, Percy was first and foremost, an Aloysian. When I joined the St. Aloysius cheering squad as a 14-to-16 year old at the Galle Esplanade during our cricketing matches against Richmond, Mahinda and other schools, Percy was one of our cheerleaders. So, his patriotism and his crazy cricketing virtuosity was nurtured in Galle …. at our school. It is likely that most Sri Lankan cricket-fans will have a mental picture of “Pissu Percy” escorting some of our cricketing heroes to the boundary gates after some on-field cricketing achievement. Yes, I display such moments a few lines hence: but the ...

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Talking about Oral History Work on Ceylon in the 1960s-by Michael Roberts Source:Thuppahis Adilah Ismail in the Sunday Times,  7 June 2015,  where the title is “Colourful history of a historian” … with highlighting imposed by the Editor Thuppahi viz, Roberts himself Looking back on his ‘going-down memory lane interviews’ with retired Britishers and Sri Lankans who served mainly in the Ceylon Civil Service, Michael Roberts who was in Sri Lanka recently, talks to Adilah Ismail about the beginnings of a passion. ...

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Vale Felix Perumal: A Leader of Cricketing Men-by Michael Roberts Source:Thuppahis Standing from left: F.A. Fernando, A.T. Fonseka, V. Narendra, M. Guneratne, F. Burke, M. Siriwardene D. Rajaratnam …  Seated from left: H.C. Perera, N. Weerasinghe, F. Perumal, B.A. Jayasinghe (President GSCA) Minister of Health E.L. Senanayake, E. L. Abeygunewardene (IGP), T.B. Werapitiya, S. Kuruppu (Secretary GSCA), D. Weerasinghe, T.B. Kehelgamuwa We go back in time to 1968, some 50 years ago, when the Police led by Felix Perumal who passed away recently, won the Govt. Services ‘A’ Division Cricket Tournament, a feat not achieved for eleven years before. Another aspect of interest was that until about 1970, a large number of renowned cricketers played for the Police. Much lesser-known players formed teams that took part in the ‘A’ Division tournaments thereafter, in an environment where the quality of cricket had suffered irreparably in government institutions. The drift of talent away from the public service, beginning in the mid-60’s, ...

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