Lakshman Navaratne

CROWN OF GLORY – by Lakshman Navaratne   Our Salvation (the Denarius), paid in full with the blood of the Good Carpenter. The Work of the Good Carpenter: Mark 6:3, “is this not the carpenter, the Son of Mary, and brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon? And are not His sisters here with us?” So they were offended at Him.” After the baptism of Jesus at the Jordan river, at the age of 30: just, 40 days and 40 nights with the angels of the Maker of life, in the desert, Jesus came out Full” of the Spirit. “For the next 3 years, the full Trinity of creation operated in him until he went to the Cross. John 19:28, On the cross Jesus uttered the words “I thirst”, before uttering the words “it is finish”. Reveals to the faithful: until he went to the cross, full Trinity was in him. At ...

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New Wine (Grace of Pentecost) – by Lakshman Navaratne   2000 years ago, Jesus changing water to Wine is documented in scripture as the first miracle, the Apostles of Christ witnessed at a wedding feast in Cana of Galilee. John 2:11, “This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory; and His disciples believed in Him.”  Today on earth, our first experience with the “Living Word”, the resurrected Lord: This is the exact miracle that takes place in every human heart who shall experience the Apostolic calling to a new life in Christ. [B] Before Science theorized the Toxic by-product of the metabolism of living Yeast, just a mere 500 years ago:  2000 years ago, Wine was the most important element of a wedding feast. A Hebrew wedding lasted 7 days of celebration, wine running out during the feast would be a disaster. This is exactly what ...

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Calling by Lucky Navaratne. Appreciation and a Tribute to all the De La Salle Christian Brothers Calling all Bens and all who received the guidance- upbringing of our founder Brother De LaSalle. It was truly amazing to hear the strategic plan drafted by the present OBU of my Alma Mater. The potential of which I am confident, SBC would return to the glorious “Sixties Era”.  We shall stand behind our present OBU, prayerfully with the best of intentions. I am extending the invitation to all who benefitted from the humble Christian Brothers, to participate in Spirit and Strength by contacting your local OBU branch in your region.  As for me, I spent 10 solid wonderful years of my youth at SBC in the Sixties, during this period, feeding and the feeling I carried in my “Heart”; We Bens were nothing but the best, “There is no other school in the ...

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CAIN AND ABEL – by Lakshman Navaratne Revelation of Cain as the Tree of Knowledge in scripture and the absolute truth of the Tree of Life as the beginning of Humanity, is the written history of creation as the 66 books of the Bible. This information was dictated to a Hebrew servant, Moses by the Author of Life on Mount Sinai. Apostolic Christianity after the day of Pentecost, is the only acceptable way of Redemption of a human soul back to our Maker. This was also revealed to another Hebrew Servant Saul. True Cleansing Power of the Human soul manifested on 3000 humans on the day of Pentecost. Jesus offering his very own Blood as the “Ransome” for all humanity is the final fulfilment of the offering of Abel, this Blood sacrifice is revealed through every single book of the of scripture. Acts 2:1-4,” When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they ...

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GRACE TRAIN (Solomon’s Carriage) – The Apostolic Journey with the Bride – by Lakshman Navaratne GRACE TRAIN (Solomon’s Carriage) The Apostolic Journey with the Bride. Science and Theology dates human existence to million years. Christianity through Scripture dates the appearance of our first human Mother (Eve) to less than 7000 years of the chronological time. Moses documented the kingdom of God a reality on earth through Abraham and his descendants. Only Apostolic Christianity give the believers of Christ the true time line of the appearance of Creator’s Grace on all mankind on the day of Pentecost. Solomon’s Carriage or the Grace Train confides to a believer in Christ: when, where, and how humanity shall end the Marvel of Human existence (God’s Grace) on Paradise earth.      Scripture documents, almost 7000 years ago, our first parents fell from Grace. Following the fall from Grace, our Lord God, our Maker promised to provide humanity ...

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Apostolic Cleansing Power (Plague Duster) by Lakshman Navaratne Apostles of Christ wrote the New Testament as their Doctrinal-Thesis after receiving the Baptism of Pentecost on 33 AD. 3500 years ago, Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Old Testament after the encounter with the Creator of Life on Mount Sinai. 3000 years ago, this same God of Hebrews, whom we also serve as the God of the Christians today on earth, manifested His Glory in a temple built by Solomon in Jerusalem. According to scripture, Solomon was the son of David who received the Wisdom and the Knowledge of Creation from the Maker of life and wrote 3000 Proverbs, the “Maintenance” manual for the living Blood circulating in the flesh of human, still on earth. Scripture says; there is only one Father for all humanity and each human born of this Father has a Mortal mother. So, Adam is ...

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