Lakshman Navaratne

SAMSON and DELILAH – By Lakshman Navaratne Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name.  I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, And I will glorify Your name forevermore.For great is Your mercy toward me, And You have delivered my soul from the depths of Sheol. PSALM 86   The beginning and the end of the “Blood-line” Judges 16:19, “Then she lulled him to sleep on her knees, and called for a man and had him shave off the seven locks of his head. Then she began to torment him, and his strength left him. 20 And she said, “The Philistines are upon you, Samson!” So, he awoke from his sleep, and said, “I will go out as before, at other times, and shake myself free!” But he did not know that the Lord had departed from him.” Apostle John was given ...

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C-THEORY – CHRIST THE SOLID ROCK OF ALL AGES – By Lakshman Navaratne   LORD YOU ARE MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN DIAMOND NOTHING WE DESIRE COMPARES TO YOU GOD’S DIVINE NATURE IS LOVE! Matthew 13:45, “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. All began on the first day of LOGOS. The Mystery of the Carbon Atom is the Chemistry of MANKIND. Godkind becoming Mankind, returning to Godkind is the mystery of our Redemption. Mark 2:27, Jesus said, “Sabbath was made for man, and not man for Sabbath. Also, John 9:5, “While I am in the world, I am the Light of the world. Separation of day from darkness on the first day of creation, nothing was made without “Him”. Christianity is the success story of Judaism, accomplishment of the ...

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HEART TRANSPLANT – By Lakshman Navaratne Image Source : West Virginia School of Preaching Facebook Page 3000 humans from all nations of the globe were the recipients of a MASS HEART TRANSPLANT that took place in Jerusalem. This event is recorded in the New Testament as the day of Pentecost. Today, 2000 years later: the same Tool “The written WORD” sharper than any man-made doctrines, theologies or religions are operating away from the eyes of world.         No one is Christian without Christ operating in your heart. No one on earth can claim the existence of a sovereign Maker (God), without hearing His voice, the word spoken to the Heart! Soon the flow of blood ceases, the body is considered dead. Today, with or without reading the Bible: one-third of Human population living on earth have embraced Christianity, as new Judaism, and the only way back to their Father in Heaven. ...

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MAGIC IS LOGIC – By Lakshman Navaratne Image Source : City Bible Church 3500 years ago, King Solomon was gifted with the Wisdom of our Maker. God of Hebrews gave his people forty years of rest from the enemies of Israel. 2700 years ago, Hebrew prophet Isaiah 53:4 wrote: “Surely, he took up our pain     and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God,     stricken by him, and afflicted.” 2000 years ago, the prophesy of a faithful generation was fulfilled through Hebrew Blood of the Rabbi Yeshua!    No part of human body, evolved from animals. Our sight is the unquestionable, miracle organ of the human body. No one can claim Jesus is God, unless he or she receives the same Baptism Jesus received at the age of 30. Moses spent 40 days on mount Sinai receiving the Magic of Creation. After the Baptism at the River Jordon, Jesus spent ...

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Sabbath Rest – By Lakshman Navaratne TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE. “The Sabbath was made for man, Mark 2:27, “And He said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.” The Absolute rest for the human soul is Redemption! This is the greatest and the only Miracle, a human shall participate on planet earth!  Scripture says: “many are called, only a few shall be chosen”. Scripture also says; Matthew 7:13, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14] Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”  The KEY to enter, and the gate is “Jesus”, and is hidden in the 66 books of the Bible. If a human is not redeemed, during this life on earth, the destiny of that soul ...

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CONVITION OR CONVERSION? – By Lakshman Navaratne Image Source : biblehub CONVITION OR CONVERSION? HE FOWLER’S SNARE (Psalm 91) Tree of Knowledge of good and Evil. No one is Christian until one is baptized through the Spirit of Pentecost! The differences between the colonial faith [B] and the Apostolic Faith [A] is a Mystery to those who have not received the Baptism of Pentecost. Revealed to us, through scripture, Apostolic faith coming to us from the day of Pentecost, is the pure and simple faith originated from the Tree of life documented in Genesis. This is the Baptism; Jesus received from the Father in eternity at the age of 30. Apostles of Christ and 3000 human souls received this on the day of Pentecost. Today their flesh and bones are dust on earth, dead or alive, they shall be raised to a new life, finally to inherit the new earth ...

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Gospel Truth – By Lakshman Navaratne Sticks and stones can break our Bones, Idle Talk will Kill our Soul! 2000 years ago, New Testament writer, Apostle Paul wrote to the faithful followers of Christ at Corinth; 2 Corinthians 3:6,” He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. This is the Gospel Truth revealed to a Born-Again Christian through the Baptism of Pentecost. This is the Baptism; Jesus received from His Heavenly Father, during his water-baptism at the age of 30, The world saw an infant placed in a manger, born through a human mother. The bible documents this event as the fulfilment of a prophesy given to the nation of Hebrews, 700 years before the occurrence. Isaiah 53:1, “Who has believed our message     and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?” ...

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PRINCE OF PEACE CHRISTIANITYISME (The Narrow Path) – By Lakshman Navaratne 4 billion humans alive on this earth, operating in the name of Christ, will comprehend the imagination of the writer’s precept of the “Prince of Peace”. Nobody is a Christian, unless one has received the Baptism of Pentecost![A] This is the same Baptism, Jesus born of Mary, received at the age of 30 at the banks of the river Jordon, while been immersed in the water. The baptism of repentance, through John the Baptist, Baptism of the Spirit through the Maker of Humanity. Only scripture have the truth written in letter, reason why we have to Die? Only Scripture says we were made in the image of our Maker, our Maker is Eternal and so are we, should also be eternal? The wisdom of the Scripture documents “wage of Sin is death”. Since Adam losing the ingredient “Faith” in ...

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IMAGINE THIS IN YOUR BLOOD! CLIMAX OF DARKNESS IN THE LIGHT OF Christ – By Lakshman Navaratne Scripture documents “Darkness was separated from Light, not destroyed?”. Today, in the hearts of 9 billion humans living on earth, this Spirit of Darkness is operating as the “Prince of this earth”. Violence at its peak! {The writer of this article, is convinced without a shadow of doubt in his heart, that the reader will comprehend this hidden revelation in scripture; only if the reader has received the Baptism of Pentecost? Also, removes from his mind the concepts and arguments, presented through science and theology, beautifully-animated to hide the truth of human suffering.} THE CLIMAX OF DARKNESS IS NOT DEATH; IT IS WHAT LEADS TO THIS EVENT THROUGH HUMAN SUFFERING. WRITTEN IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE AS “SIN”. The Scripture documents “wage of sin is Death”!  THIS IS THE SILENT KILLER OF THE HUMAN BODY. ...

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Dust Divine (The C-Theory) – By Lakshman Navaratne The Mystery of the Carbon Atom is the Chemistry of Creation. Christianity is the success story of Judaism, accomplishment of the new covenant promised to the servant Abram for his faithfulness. Abraham was 100, when Isaac was born to barren Sara, the promised son. The birth of Jesus through Mary is not a miracle to the faithful who have received the Baptism of Pentecost. “Faith” is one of the free gifts poured upon the 3000 humans on the day of Pentecost.  Seed of Faith was embraced by 120 Hebrews who received the breath of the resurrected Hebrew rabbi. [A] Diamond is the purest form of carbon and is the hardest material on earth, reflecting all the colors of the sun light. Steel, Ceramics and Polymers have no use without the Carbon atom. Man is yet to find out? how our Maker brought-forth ...

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