Buddhilini De Soyza wins worldwide Nature Conservancy Photography Competition

Buddhilini De Soyza wins worldwide Nature Conservancy Photography Competition


Australian based Sri Lankan photographer Buddhilini De Soyza (Captures by Buddhilini) won 1st place in the Global Wildlife category of the worldwide Nature Conservancy Photography Competition.

Buddhilini De Soyza wins worldwide Nature Conservancy Photography CompetitionBuddhilini de Soyza, an investment banker and amateur photographer, took the photo on a trip to Kenya in January 2020 while with her husband and a Maasai guide, after spending several hours watching the cheetahs pace up and down the river bank. Suddenly, the lead cheetah jumped into the water, and the rest followed.

“I just couldn’t believe my eyes,” de Soyza told Live Science. “I don’t actually remember clicking [the photo]. I obviously did because I’ve got a good 50, 60 shots of them crossing. All I do remember shouting is, ‘Oh my God what are they going to do? They’re going to die!’

” This year the competition attracted over 100,000 entries from 158 countries!” Our warmest congratulations to Buddhilini De Soyza!

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